Carbon Monoxide (CO) It’s very unusual for me to post more - TopicsExpress


Carbon Monoxide (CO) It’s very unusual for me to post more than one thing per day, and definitely not so close together. I encourage you to read the previous post from today, and the one called “O2” from November 11th. “Sunshine Sweet” posted the following in response to “O2” but my response is best presented as a separate post that I was inspired to call “Carbon Monoxide (CO)” and you’ll see why: “I like the depth of your take on love. This post gives the feel of being in-love. It can be the deepest kind of love of all. The love God has for each of us. That is a love that permeates through our bodies, Gods love is as great as oxygen. However, I believe there are different types of love and levels of love that people do change like clothes and can simply turn off. Its a very hurtful act but I believe it to be very common practice these days. I hope its ok that I post what comes to my mind from your post. – “Sunshine Sweet” “Carbon Monoxide (CO)” “Sunshine Sweet”, thanks for your very insightful comments. I saw it last night and I started salivating. Most of what I’m inspired to post are only the tops of trees with deep roots that I will only expose if people do what it takes for me to expose them. Your comments have done just that. But, before I expose some of those roots, let me say that the posts are food for thought that is meant to generate discussion. People are welcome to use them as a platform to converse in a civil manner on here, or in other ways within their comfortable levels. The same thing goes if someone sees a message on here that another person can use – feel free to show it to them or share the information, just don’t plagiarize. Note: when I say “you” it’s not to imply that I’m only referring to you. I believe that God is love and that His greatest gift to us is love. I believe that even the precious gift of life is because of His love for us. While oxygen usually enters our bodies through our airway, love is that powerful energy that overcomes distance, walls, color, gender, etc. to find a way into our soul. There are different types of love and I believe they are all a manifestation of God in our lives. For example, many children are born under unfortunate circumstances that have nothing to do with love but they are loved as precious gifts despite maybe a parent who is best described as unfit. I don’t believe that a person can simply rid themselves of love like a person changes clothes, or just turn it off. Love overpowers us and there’s no controlling it. We can’t make people fall in or out of love with us. Many of us have been down the road of where we love someone with every fiber of our being but the feelings are not reciprocated. And there may be times when we let go of love but love doesn’t let go of us. I don’t believe that a person takes off love like clothes. I believe that they take off the cloak that they used in an effort to try to avoid falling in love. While love is extremely powerful, a person can put up a fight by doing things like keeping their distance, to include take off running. This is a part of why some people believe that using someone else is the best way to get over another person so they run from one person to another. While it can work, it’s also a great way of perpetuating a destructive cycle that leaves a trail of broken hearts. Unless someone can prove me wrong, if a person manages to turn love off they were distracted, not in love in the first place, etc. I don’t believe a person can wake up and decide that they are going to stop loving someone. If anyone knows how to do that please share because there are a lot of people out there with hearts that are bleeding profusely because of the unreciprocated love they have for another. The hurtful act you described of apparently turning off the faucet of love, especially if it goes from a strong flow to not even a drip, happens for a lot of reasons. When a person say they are not ready for a relationship or is not interested in you those are good signs to back off. Sure, you may be the most desirable person on earth and they could fall in love with you if they got to know you, but you may not be the one for them. Some people view this as a challenge and try to break the person down but they end being the one who gets broken. Again, we can’t make a person love us. There is also the other side when they are only willing to take things to a certain level so when things start getting to serious they will bail. You may think that things are great while they are developing or getting ready to implement their exit strategy. That becomes hurtful when feelings are taken lightly or two people are in a game but only one person was playing. There is more that I could say but your comments and feedback are welcome. This is a place for your voices to be heard so feel free to express yourself or share the messages with other who can use them. #God, #Love
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 17:36:32 +0000

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