Carbs @ Night or NO!?? QUIT BEING A CARBOPHOBE! Always an - TopicsExpress


Carbs @ Night or NO!?? QUIT BEING A CARBOPHOBE! Always an argumentative topic….how many of you are told not to eat carbs after 6,7,8,9,10 o’clock, because it gets turned into fat??? This is always an interesting topic and I generally get 4/10 people to believe me, so allow me to dive a little deeper! CARBS at night don’t make you fat….too many total calories make you fat!! Additionally, there is nothing about nighttime that changes your metabolism to say ‘hey, lets start storing these carbs into fat cells”. This question is answered for two different types of “LIFESTYLES”…..1- THE ACTIVE and 2-THE SEDENTARY ACTIVE- if you are training at nighttime you NEED those carbs to properly recover and start glycogen re-synthesis (stored carbs in the body that convert to glucose). Your insulin sensitivity is high after a workout, so it’s ok to eat a high amount of carbs at this time. Complex carbs before bed will also help spare muscle protein while you sleep, it will synthesize and be stored in your muscle cells instead of fat. There are other variables involved such as simple carbs vs complex carbs as well as everyones body is different, but for the most part carbs at night don’t make you fat, too many calories do. SEDENTARY- Even if you are not training at night and you are hitting the right amount of macro-nutrients for the day, than you will be fine. But, if you are not living an active lifestyle, you should eat a moderate serving of complex carbs, (oats, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, oat bran etc) about the size of your fist WITH a lean protein. These carbs will keep you fuller longer for that 6-8 hour sleeping fast.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:58:24 +0000

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