CaringBridge Entry 12/12/14 Gratitude opens a crack in - TopicsExpress


CaringBridge Entry 12/12/14 Gratitude opens a crack in consciousness that lets Grace in.- Harry Palmer I found this quote last night after receiving the news. The mass in my chest cavity is a fatty cyst and is Benign!! I will meet with my surgeon soon to discuss the prognosis. Will they biopsy it to track any changes or will they remove it all together? These are my questions. I immediately said a prayer of thanks after the phone call. My heart is filled with gratitude. I chose to not let this mass occupy my every thought in the days leading up to my MRI. Most of my stinkin thinkin was done the night I made the first entry about the mass last week. I knew what ever the outcome, God was by my side and he had a plan for me. I now know it was to test what I had learned about faith after my Cancer experience. I could have chosen to spend every night until my MRI drenched in worry and fear of what the outcome could be. I could have made myself miserable, dwelling every day upon the impending MRI, rehashing the Cancer scenario. This would have been the opposite of Grace. God gave me the gift of grace when he gave me Cancer. If I chose to sulk, I would have been essentially returning his gift. Instead, I dug in my heels and remembered how far I had come spiritually. I knew, without a doubt, that God had my back. The gratitude I had for my Cancer experience, gave me the Grace I needed to handle this minor bump in the road. I have faith that come what may in my life, God is leading me, carrying me, giving me the strength needed to handle anything I encounter. Thanks be to God! I want to thank you all for being there in prayer and love, for these 2 things are the fuel of Grace. Love to you all!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:11:37 +0000

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