Carrie Filomeno Rapisura Father, we pray for the victims of the - TopicsExpress


Carrie Filomeno Rapisura Father, we pray for the victims of the typhoons in the Philippines that you give them comfort in their dealings with their losses and provide them with all their needs. Provide them food, shelter and all their necessities. Give them healing and take away their fears. Give them the courage to face their losses and give them strength to care for their injured loved ones. Heal the hearts of those who lost their loved ones. Our Lord Christ, Jesus, the Bible says in the book of Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Today, we know that you are in the midst of us as we pray together to bring relief to those who suffer the most from these natural disasters. Lord Jesus, we pray that you pray to the Father to send the Holy Spirit to comfort those that are suffering from these natural disasters and it shall come to pass as it says in the Holy Scriptures: John 14:16-17, “[16] And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; [17] Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” Lord God, Our Savior, Thank You so much for all the Blessings youve given to us. Thank You also, Because the Super Typhoon didnt reach Ilocos. Guide all persons that I know, Especially to my family, friends, and relatives. Sorry for those wrong things Ive done. Forgive me, And may I ask to you the Guidance of all the people in the world. Because I believe, that you are the only one that can do this. I BELIEVE inn YOU, I TRUST YOU,and I LOVE YOU,. This is all I ask, In Almighty GOD, Our Savior, AMEN. Carrie Filomeno Rapisura -- Grade 7-Aristotle
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:25:52 +0000

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