Casey Talley The Whole Story from the Eyes and Horses Mouth of - TopicsExpress


Casey Talley The Whole Story from the Eyes and Horses Mouth of TomCat: .... It all started this past summer.... I had posted 4 rides on Sunday for a few friends that asked me to post a ride. I posted the rides and we would leave out realtively early as it was summer! too hot to ride much after 2pm... Well after the 4th time I posted a ride, Jeff had a come-apart.... He and I had several messages back and forth I told him sorry If he felt I had stepped on his toes. But 2nd Officer has the right to post a ride if no ride is posted! So time rocks on... August, We did a ride to Little Sturgis for my birthday, August 16th in Sturgis Mississippi, I had a blast, everyone was so nice to me! While at sturgis I did a straw pole... I had, had several ask me to do a ride to Lynch Burg Tenn. to go do the little tour through the Jack Daniels Distillery, do lunch and scoot on back...Well I did the straw pole... Wow, everyone I asked 15, before it was over with were on board! Well about 2 weeks later Jeff went to canada to ride around on rented motorcyles, I think some deal his company does for him (how cool!). While he was gone for 3 weeks... the ball games were intense; and most if not all of the road captains and tailgunners were not going to be do any riding as they had all sent out an email saying so... Remember Jeff is in Canada. Out of courtesy, I told Jeff what my rides were going to be. I told him on the one Saturday we would be going to Pams Diner in Moundville and back home, Bama Game... And for the second week I was planning on doing a ride to Lynchburg to the Jack Daniels Distillary.... Well it got heated at this point... He told me the ride to Pams was Ok (about a 12 mile ride!), but the 3.5 hour ride to JDs was too long of a ride and would be unsafe to do in one day. I dont think so... and neither do 15 others. Everyone makes their own decissions on what they are comforatable with.... He also went on to tell me that I would have to use the appointed road captains and tailgunners... Well all the Road Captains and tailgunners had all sent emails previously saying they would not be able to ride either weekend... He made new rules up on the spot, from Canada! The new rules were absurd, He said I had to have CBs and even went so far as to tell me how many etc etc...and that I would use the appointed Road Captains and Tailgunners only! .... I had planned this ride, had 4 bikes with CBs set up and a tailgunner.... And in his email to me: He high lighted the new rules and said: Let Me Make This Loud And Clear... Well imagine how I felt..... So I sent an email back ( remember he is gone, way up in Canada somewhere). I did the same thing he did to me, I high lighted my statement just like the one he sent me. Mine said: I hear you loud and clear, no rides until you get back! Well that kinda did me in, from then on he wanted me out.... I was so pissed.... so While he was gone I posted Private rides on my facebook page.... I would make certain that all southern cruiser new that my ride was not a southern cruisers sanctioned ride. I posted the rides and we rode... I had a good turn out of friends and cruisers that just wanted to ride. So me and the others being pissed about the sittuation, just decided not to do the JD ride, I/we wanted it to be a SCRC ride! (Remeber: 2nd Officer Can Post Rides!) So I posted a privat ride to the Iron Skillet on my facebook page, and made sure everyone new it was not a sanctioned SCRC Ride....So when I posted a picture of the group that rode to the Iron Skillet, I head lined the picture the Wild Cat Riders. Well Jeff took offense to the picture, and then his imagination went wild... he thought all the people that went on the ride were in a conspiracy with me to over throw our chapter and start a new group of our own! That was bullshit! Ask any of the people in that picture if they knew anything about being part of a Wild Cat Club! It was just a caption at the top of a picture! Well time went by, and I was so pissed from Jeffs bull.... He wrote me an email saying he knew about the Scofs and what I was doing to over throw 197 etc.. and that if I didnt resign my position as 2nd Officer, not only would I be stripped of that positon but I would be kicked out of 197 and the SCRC all toghether! Ask Jeff Want the Scofs is? He has no clue! It was something I dreamed up and did away with,,, not one person was ever a scof member... it was a joke! And he bit hook line and sinker! And that just made another reason in his mind to send me down the road... Holy Crap Man! I was devistated... I have never been fired from a job in my life,,, and everyone around me was telling me what a good job I was doing... He said he had been talking to the local and national officers and that i needed to resign immdiately or else... and what did I do, with out being able to think properly, I resigned!,,,, And I did it publicly really nice as I was told to do. In my written statement I acted like Jeff and I were buddies and I had other things going on. But I was thinking the whole time, how can this be,, not even a trial, its already been decided! So Time rocks on... I can not let this go... it is eating at me like cancer... I try to let it go,,, but still it is eating at me....I cant sleep etc etc... you just dont know how bad this has effected me! So I start posting private rides on my facebook page, inviting friends to ride with me,, and of coarse most of my friends are Southerne Cruisers, hell I got a lot of them to join! So I would post a ride, and afterwards I would post pictures of the days event and how much fun we had as well as telling how many bikes and riders we had (and most of the time we had more on my private ride than 197 would have).... I was hoping Jeff would see this and see what I brought to the table; And that he would see his mistake of unjustly asking me to resign, and then ask me to come back as Second Officer... But that didnt happen... It just made things worse... and so now not only am I not 2nd Officer but I am being kicked out of the club.... I never resigned,, I talked to the guy that is over the SCRC of Alabama... but I feel he was stabbing me in the back the whole time... I told him I was thinking of taking over a new club because some friends wanted me too,,,but I was really just trying to get them to want me in the club and to leave me alone and let me stay a SCRC member! I was a SCRC Man! But that back fired and they took me off the Roster.... and so here we are today.... And there is a lot more to tell but this is the jist of it all... I have not conspired to start a new group! Have never been part of a Wild Cat Group! Have never wanted Jeff to step down (I actually think he is doing a good job most of the time, he just needs to diversify, in my opinion) He will tell a totally different story... twisting everything I have ever said or done to fit his agenda. What I have just told you is the Gods Honest Truth! There is no Conspiracy and I am not a mole as he has accused me of being... And from the 1st day I talked to Bob Nouwen (The Alabama Chapters Overseer Guy) I have asked to have a round table sit down, face to face with Jeff. And have asked several times in all my emails to Jeff that I would like to sit down face to face because writing can be so misunderstood! But not one time did we sit down... But I have taken one hell of a pencil whipping! (my 12 grade education is no mach to Jeff and his College Pencil) You can twist and distort things I wrote, and if you read it like that yes it is... but let me read it to you so you get my punctuation! Dang it man! Lets meet Face to Face... So the Truth Can be Heard the way I intended it! Oh Well, too much has gone down, I am on to the next plateau of my life and all my Biker Buddies.... and now it looks as though what Jeff was saying along about me was true in trying to take SCRC Chapter 197... But that is not the case! Jeff Did It! I only wanted to be made whole again.... And now ask Jeff His side of the Story... He will distort everything I ever said... I have all the emails we sent back and forth as does he...And make sure you read them all, in the order they were written, or the message is farse.... His own written emails are very convincing but the they are far from the actual truth! His mind is all wrong about everything! I have tryed and tryed to tell him that!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 17:47:01 +0000

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