Catholic Bishops Wanted Government Shutdown, Asked House - TopicsExpress


Catholic Bishops Wanted Government Shutdown, Asked House Republicans To Hold Nation Hostage Over Birth Control Mandate When House Republicans shut down the government last Tuesday, they did so with the blessing of Catholic bishops. One week prior to the shutdown, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops wrote a letter to the GOP House. The letter asked them to hold America hostage until Democrats kill birth control rules set by the White House. The rules require insurance companies to include birth control coverage for all employees, regardless of the religious beliefs of employers. Catholic bishops want House GOP to hold America hostage over birth control This didn’t sit well with Catholic bishops and conservative Christians, who want the right to deny their female employees contraception. So as part of their ongoing temper tantrum over women having access to birth control, the bishops sent a letter to House Republicans urging them to shut the government down until they get their way on contraception coverage. “[W]e have already urged you to enact the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940/S. 1204), the letter declared. “As Congress considers a Continuing Resolution and debt ceiling bill in the days to come, we reaffirm the vital importance of incorporating the policy of this bill into such ‘must-pass’ legislation.” The Catholic bishops’ war on birth control threatens women and the nation
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 05:22:30 +0000

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