Celestial energy portal of the angelic Energies 7/7/7: Archangel - TopicsExpress


Celestial energy portal of the angelic Energies 7/7/7: Archangel ZAPHKIEL Vision of God regent of the angelic hierarchy THRONES planet: Saturn master ascencionne: KUAN YIN celestial energies that descend (since that night at 00:07) on Earth purify and release the karma, bring more compassion and transmute human fears in love Uni-vers-El. These energies are bearers of the sacred feminine and allow love to manifest itself on a Tantric plan. They pass through the channel of light at the top of your head. Here are the effects of this purple sacred RADIUS on your soul: it is at the level of the SAHASRARA Chakra (Crown) - meaning: thousand times as much - color: purple - function: spirituality - endocrine gland: pineal - body system: the upper part of the brain, nervous system - Note music: Si - direction of rotation: man: clockwise of a watch - women: contrary - Hebrew letter: Yod this chakra is situated at the top of the head, in the fontanelle. It represents the highest level of consciousness to be human, it is the centre of enlightenment. Connection with the pineal gland and our spiritual guide. In Christian popular imagery, it is represented by the Halo of saints. This chakra escapes to the physical body with the primary etheric body. It is the dove of the spirit which the wings are at the top of the tree of life. It is also the tip of a triangle whose base would be the line between the two areas of psychic visualization located behind the ears. It was he who, somehow, sanctify the heads of snakes. It is the illustration of the universal consciousness, Divine, transcendent action of all other chakras, and opening the doors of the Kingdom at all. Represents the link with goddess and God, superior energy. Personality, spirituality, inspiration, unity, understanding of the divine, wisdom and infinite. Opening the Chakra of Summit the Chakra of the Summit is either open or closed, or nearly closed because in everyone, theres a parcel of polling on the divine mysteries, not only on the life, death, the avant-vie and the afterdeath. The Chakra of the Summit is seldom open naturally. Also, assume that in you, it is closed and that there not rather than detecting the signs of its closure but rather signs of its opening. When Kundalini (equivalent to the Chi, CHI vital energy) reaches that level, it no longer belongs to the field of animal consciousness or human, it is exclusively divine. It is the seat of pure consciousness. When Kundalini rises root of chakra to Sahasrara, energy and consciousness merge and enlightenment emerges. Under the influence of the Ajna chakra, the force generated by their union is then returned to its point of departure through Sushumna, to allow us to experience paradise on Earth. When the crown chakra begins to open, it is attracted to mystical or occult teachings. At this stage of its development, we sometimes start to see auras, experiencing a feeling of reverence and wonder at the beauty and vastness of creation. It also acquires an inner understanding of universal truths. When it is fully opened, this chakra merged with the third eye chakra to form often represented halo around the head of saints and humans illuminated. -Balanced energy: opening to the divine energy, full access to the unconscious and the subconscious. -Excessive energy: Frustration and frequent migraines. -Deficient energy: Indecision, disappearance of the physical spark of joy. -Physical disorders: brain diseases, migraines, disorders of the endocrine system, psychological problems. * Lithotherapy to open the top Chakra * purple stones: Amethyst, charoite, violet spinel, tanzanite. White stones: rock crystal, diamond, gypsum rock, white opal, Moonstone, Pearl, phenakite, ulexite stones Gold: nugget of gold, or crystallized. Eloah_ Messenger of the divine couple (source - for the 7th chakra -: Moony)
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 01:08:24 +0000

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