Censorship is the plea of the deceitful. The world changed when - TopicsExpress


Censorship is the plea of the deceitful. The world changed when commoners could read the Bible. While this ruined many churches, it was a beneficial way to remove corruption, bigotry, and autocratic doctrine. Members can AND SHOULD disagree & openly discuss their opinions. If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed. -Reuben Clark I know many members who dont believe certain doctrines of the church. Punitive actions like this urge them to stay silent. Ive met countless mormons with weighty shelves of questions they are afraid to ask or have asked and were silenced or answered unsatisfactorily. A common example is the flood. The church teaches that the earth was completely immersed in water & mankind descended from Noahs family (lets avoid the boat & animals for now for simplicitys sake). Multiple schools of science disprove this tale & many members side with science on this item. Its easy to infer that if you started a blog about this, you could be threatened with disfellowship or excommunication (either requiring you to be essentially silent at church). Kate Kelly & John Dehlin are active members of the church who think the church is a good thing. They are, by definition, not apostates. It would be entirely different if, like me, they though the church was malignant and should be ended. But, they do not. They merely are trying to be active in the community they embrace, encourage open discourse, and even change behavior, but they have done so respectfully and without criticising leaders, but instead questioning policies from men who proclaim to be fallible. Either prophets are fallible, and should be open to questions, or they are infallible and all their words can be critiqued by me. You cant dodge both.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 21:41:56 +0000

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