Certain couple will change their relation to engage and married - TopicsExpress


Certain couple will change their relation to engage and married eventhough realitynya just a couple as bf and gf Then.. breaking up I ever in that situation.. nya org kind of perasan.. hehe.. but then I do ashamed of myself sebab its not the way it was Bygkn u guys bnrnya alum betunang or married but relation d fb buat tunang or married but then tiba2 pts.. how do u feel when org tnya where is ur fiance or husband or ur wife.. padahal langsung nada ikatan catu sebelumnya.. bnr.. its hurt when u hoping so much.. Tni dnt even know what will happen next.. what will we faced.. I dnt controll someone life much.. cause I put a trust on them.. but when that person betrayed me once.. dnt ever dream to make me trust n forget on what had been done to me.. smpai bila2 ku nda pernah lupa apa yg buat aku sakit hati.. ckit pun inda.. N I do feel alhamdulillah to be with someone who I do love much.. n feel thanks to him for being wv me even we are far away from each other. My best friend. My boyfriend.. Always pray for both of us n families.. letting Allah to do the rest is the best way for us not to worry bout each other more but giving Allah the rest Assalamualaikum n nyt
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:46:14 +0000

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