Challenging your thoughts about God #33 All these years, the - TopicsExpress


Challenging your thoughts about God #33 All these years, the simplicity of the gospel has eluded me. Then, within the blinking of an eye, I received crystal clear clarity as to what the good news is all about! As of such, I do not want to challenge anyone’s mind this week, but to simplify that which religion has made so complicated. Here is the message of all 66 books in a nutshell… God is Love, God is Life! If you walk in love, you are also walking in life. The issue of receiving Eternal Life is simply one’s ability to walk in love. But how shall we walk in love? To walk in love, one must have love. There are two ways to have love: 1) either be the source of love 2) or be the recipient of love. SOURCE OF LOVE In Romans 13:8-10, the apostle Paul teaches that perfect love is manifested by the one that keeps the Law. But nobody can keep the law except Jesus. This tells me what I already know; God is the source of love. Scripture also says the penalty for violating the law is death.” So what is it about falling short of God’s law that prevents us from experiencing life? Its simple. The very definition of life is love. When we violate the law, God is simply telling us that we do not have perfect love, thus we do not have His life. Said another way, if you walk in something other than love, then you are not walking in life and this is death. Since you never had life, you don’t die, but are dead. You are the walking dead (Matthew 8:22). Thus if there is no life outside of love and we are not the source of love, how can we receive love that we might walk in love and subsequently have life? Thankfully there is a way, which is THE WAY… RECIPIENT OF LOVE To receive God’s love, simply open up your heart and accept the free gift! God loves you! Believe it and experience His life! But Karl, this sounds way too easy. Why haven’t everyone partaken? THE EVIL DILLEMA I’ve learned over the years that it’s not sufficient to tell someone you love them. Most people need to experience love before it can positively impact their life. The thing is… there is an evil force that wants to block us from seeing truth. Yes, deception keeps many from embracing God’s love, as the enemy has been perpetrating the fraud, painting God in a way that He is not. It usually goes something like this, “Did God really say the law is not for you?” When we think life is obtained by being the source of love instead of the recipient, we cannot experience His life. Has anyone has ever loved another with all of their heart, just to be rejected? If only the intended recipient knew how much you loved them, everything that you would do for them, even die for them, certainly they would embrace what you have to offer. God understands the psychological nature of humanity, thus ever since the fall of man in the garden, “Operation Redemption” has been in full effect. The goal? To manifest His Love to us that we might experience it and believe on the Son. 1 Col 15:56 the sting of death is sin; and the power of sin is the law. If I could restate that verse… “The sting of death is sin; and the power to believe in the lie (that I am the source of love) is the rules that God gave. God did not give the law for us, but the law was for Jesus, showing Him how to redeem us from the curse of deception by manifesting love! Our belief in the law is the sin of deception that blocks our revelation of the truth. But God’s love is more powerful than the lie of the enemy! I’d like to declare to you this day that the finished works of Christ, his complete fulfillment of the law and ultimate death on the cross, is the evidence or testament of the scriptures that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves you! Please embrace and believe, so that you can receive His life. I promise that nothing else is required (you have His WORD)!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:28:00 +0000

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