Chances are you will know a few of these names. New Age - TopicsExpress


Chances are you will know a few of these names. New Age Religion has heavily influence Hitler, Stalin, Moa Zedong, just to name a few. Very likely you has I. They also supported Eugenics. Like Planned Parent hood today, but on a very small scale. Fast read on the link. I just pasted a few names to give you facts to the people that influence our lives as we know it. United Nations, current and ex-world leaders, and the founders of some of the most influential environmental organisations. When you read their reports in the context of who they are – its gives an entirely new, and frightening, context to their extreme claims. Some current members of the Club of Rome or its two siblings: Al Gore – former VP of the USA, leading climate change campaigner, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Academy Award winner, Emmy winner. Gore lead the US delegations to the Rio Earth Summit and Kyoto Climate Change conference. He chaired a meeting of the full Club of Rome held in Washington DC in 1997. Javier Solana – Secretary General of the Council of the European Union, High Representative for EU Foreign Policy. Maurice Strong – former Head of the UN Environment Programme, Chief Policy Advisor to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the Rio Earth Summit, co-author (with Gorbachev) of the Earth Charter, co-author of the Kyoto Protocol, founder of the Earth Council, devout Baha’i. Mikhail Gorbachev – CoR executive member, former President of the Soviet Union, founder of Green Cross International and the Gorbachev Foundation, Nobel Peace Prize winner, co-founder (with Hidalgo) of the Club of Madrid, co-author (with Strong) of the Earth Charter. Diego Hidalgo – CoR executive member, co-founder (with Gorbachev) of the Club of Madrid, founder and President of the European Council on Foreign Relations in association with George Soros. Ervin Laszlo – founding member of the CoR, founder and President of the Club of Budapest, founder and Chairman of the World Wisdom Council. Anne Ehrlich – Population Biologist. Married to Paul Ehrlich with whom she has authored many books on human overpopulation. Also aformer director of Friends of the Earth and the Sierra Club, and a member of the UN’s Global Roll of Honor. Hassan bin Talal – President of the CoR, President of the Arab Thought Forum, founder of the World Future Council, recently named as the United Nations ‘Champion of the Earth‘. Sir Crispin Tickell – former British Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Permanent Representative on the Security Council, Chairman of the ‘Gaia Society’, Chairman of the Board of the Climate Institute, leading British climate change campaigner. Kofi Annan – former Secretary General of the United Nations. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Javier Perez de Cuellar – former Secretary General of the United Nations. Gro Harlem Bruntland – United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Change, former President of Norway Robert Muller – former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, founder and Chancellor of the UN University of Peace. The Dalai Lama – The ‘Spiritual Leader’ of Tibet. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Father Berry Thomas – Catholic Priest who is one of the leading proponents of deep ecology, ecospirituality and global consciousness. David Rockefeller – CoR executive member, former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, founder of the Trilateral Commission, executive member of the World Economic Forum, donated land on which the United Nations stands. Stephen Schneider – Stanford Professor of Biology and Global Change. Professor Schneider was among the earliest and most vocal proponents of man-made global warming and a lead author of many IPCC reports. Bill Clinton – former President of the United States, founder of the Clinton Global Iniative. Jimmy Carter – former President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Bill Gates – founder of Microsoft, philanthropist Garret Hardin – Professor of Human Ecology. Originator of the ‘Global Commons‘ concept. Has authored many controversial papers on human overpopulation and eugenics. Other current influential members: (these can be found on the membership lists of the COR (here, here, and here), Club of Budapest, Club of Madrid and/or CoR National Association membership pages) Ted Turner – media mogul, philanthropist, founder of CNN George Soros – multibillionare, major donor to the UN Tony Blair – former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Deepak Chopra – New Age Guru Desmond Tutu – South African Bishop and activist, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Timothy Wirth – President of the United Nations Foundation Henry Kissinger – former US Secretary of State George Matthews – Chairman of the Gorbachev Foundation Harlan Cleveland – former Assistant US Secretary of State and NATO Ambassador Barbara Marx Hubbard – President of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution Betty Williams – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Marianne Williamson – New Age ‘Spiritual Activist’ Robert Thurman – assistant to the Dalai Lama Jane Goodall – Primatologist and Evolutionary Biologist Juan Carlos I – King of Spain Prince Philippe of Belgium Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands Dona Sophia – Queen of Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero – current Prime Minister of Spain Karan Singh – Former Prime Minister of India, Chairman of the Temple of Understanding Daisaku Ikeda – founder of the Soka Gakkai cult Martin Lees – CoR Secretary General, Rector of the UN University of Peace Ernesto Zedillo – Director of The Yale Center for the Study of Globalization Frithjof Finkbeiner – Coordinator of the Global Marshall Plan Franz Josef Radermacher – Founder of the Global Marshall Plan Eduard Shevardnadze – former Soviet foreign minister and President of Georgia Richard von Weizsacker – former President of Germany Carl Bildt – former President of Sweden Kim Campbell – former Prime Minister of Canada and Senior Fellow of the Gorbachev Foundation Vincente Fox – former President of Mexico Helmut Kohl – former Chancellor of Germany Romano Prodi – former Prime Minister of Italy and President of the European Commission Vaclav Havel – former President of the Czech Republic Hans Kung – Founder of the Global Ethic Foundation Ruud Lubbers – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mary Robinson – United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Jerome Binde – Director of Foresight, UNESCO Koïchiro Matsuura – Current Director General of UNESCO Federico Mayor – Former Director General of UNESCO Tapio Kanninen – Director of Policy and Planning, United Nations Konrad Osterwalder – Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Peter Johnston – Director General of European Commission Jacques Delors – Former President of the European Commission Domingo Jimenez-Beltran – Executive Director of the European Environment Agency Thomas Homer-Dixon – Director of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Toronto Hazel Henderson – Futurist and ‘evoluntionary economist’ Emeka Anyaoku – former Commonwealth Secretary General, current President of the World Wildlife Fund Wangari Maathai – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, founder of the Green Belt Movement and many more…. As discussed previously the CoR directly spawned two affiliated ‘Clubs’ – the Club of Budapest (CoB) and the Club of Madrid (CoM). The purpose of these siblings is to “provide spiritual, cultural and political context to the Club of Rome’s technical research.” The Club of Budapest is an offshoot of the CoR designed to promote the Global Green Agenda though ‘Art and Culture’ – “The idea of the Club of Budapest stems from discussions between its founder and president Ervin Laszlo, and The Club of Rome founder Aurelia Peccei in the late seventies. Peccei suggested that Laszlo, a fellow founding member of the Club of Rome, should bring together writers, artists and people of high spiritual qualifications to complement abstract theoretical information about current and coming global problems with the insight and creativity inherent in art, literature, and various domains of the human spirit.” However the Club of Budapest seems to have little to do with the Arts and much more to do with the usual themes. The Mission of its WorldShift Network is to address: - The Governance of Nations - Education for Wisdom - Public Health Policy - The Ethics of Planetary Freedom - Reverence for Nature - Approaching a modern Subsistence Economy The Club of Budapest has also established the World Wisdom Council. It is jointly chaired by Mikhail Gorbachev and Robert Muller and consists of almost exactly the same people as the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality described below. In 1996 the Club of Budapest released THE MANIFESTO ON THE SPIRIT OF PLANETARY CONSCIOUSNESS which was signed by 16 global environmental leaders, 12 of which are also CoR members! The Club of Madrid consists of 70 former Heads of State handpicked by the CoR to consider “appropriate forms of governance” and methods of “democratic transition to a new global order.” The Club was officially founded by Mikhail Gorbachev and Diego Hidalgo. They are both given as “executive members of the Governing Council of the Club of Rome.” The CoM is funded by the Gorbachev Foundation and Hildalgo’s organization FRIDE (the European Council on Foreign Relations). A quick perusal of their membership list reveals that more than half are also members of CoR National Associations and contain the usual suspects such as Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev, Jimmy Carter, Tony Blair, Mary Robinson, Vaclav Havel, Romano Prodi, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Javier Perez de Cuellar, and Carl Bildt. They state that their top priority is “facilitating a global post-Kyoto climate treaty.” The Club of Madrid, in a similar fashion to the CoR, is an official consultant body to the UN and is contracted by them to produce reports and technical advice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Perhaps the most interesting of all these organizations is the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality. The purpose of this ‘Commission’ appears to be to perpetuate the spiritual aspects of the Global Green Agenda. It is basically just old-fashioned paganism dressed up as a new eco-theology. I challenge the reader to make sense of this page! The commission is composed mostly of CoR members including Gore and Gorbachev. The United Nations Foundation was created by prominent CoR member Ted Turner. He donated one billion dollars to support the environmental activites of the UN. A significant proportion of this money was designated for “programmes specifically addressing climate change” and funding the IPCC. The Foundation has also recently created the Global Security Institute to “propose far-reaching reforms of the international system.” As would be expected the Foundation’s Board is full of the same old names including: Ted Turner, Timothy Wirth, Kofi Annan, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Emma Rothschild, and Muhammad Yunus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Global Leadership for Climate Action is a joint initiative of the United Nations Foundation and the Club of Madrid which “aims to design a framework for a new enforceable international agreement on climate change.” The GLCA has editorial input into reports and assessments produced by the IPCC and provides “technical expertise on the implications and communication of climate change science.” By my count more than two-thirds of the GLCA members are also members of the CoR including: George Soros, Ted Turner, Timothy Wirth, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Mary Robinson, Sir Crispin Tickell, Kim Campbell, Wangari Maathai, Petre Roman and Richard Lagos. Now I have to wonder what qualifies George Soros and Ted Turner to provide technical advice on climate change science!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Gorbachev Foundation was created by Mikhail Gorbachev immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He described the Foundation “as a think-tank whose purpose is to explore the path that global governance should take as mankind progresses into an interdependent global society.” The overall motto of the Gorbachev Foundation is “Toward a New Civilization”. The Foundation is deeply involved in many aspects of the modern green movement. They provide advice and funding to many non-government environmental orgaizations. The Board of the Foundation includes CoR members: Mikhail Gorbachev, Robert Muller, Ted Turner, Ruud Lubbers, Wangari Maathai, Sri Chinmoy, Robert Redford, Vaclav Havel and Javier Peres de Cuellar. Who would have thought Robert Redford was involved in all of this! In a similar fashion to the CoR, the Gorbachev Foundation now has several ‘Gorbachev Foundation National Associations’ each with their own management structure. The Foundation works very closely with the CoR and the Club of Madrid and regularly holds joint conferences. These conferences must be fairly easy to organise since they have so many members in common. In order to carry out their ‘mission’ the Foundation has created a number of susidiary organizations. Chief among these is Green Cross International. From the Green Cross Charter: “Life is sacred. All forms of life have their own intrinsic value and share our planetary home in an interdependent community. All parts of this community are essential to the functioning of the whole. The beauty of the Earth and its life is food for the human spirit, inspiring human consciousness with wonder, joy and creativity. Human beings are not outside or above the community of life. We have not woven the web of life, we are but a strand in it. We depend on the whole for our very existence. For the first time in history, human beings have the capacity to damage, knowingly or unknowingly, the ecological balances on which all life depends. The crisis is urgent.“ The GCI Board contains the same familiar names: Mikhail Gorbachev, Ted Turner, Basma Bin Talal, Jean Michel Cousteau, Ruud Lubbers, Wangari Maathai, Javier Perez de Cuellar, Robert Redford, Karan Singh, David Suzuki Another Gorbachev Foundation creation is Global Green USA which promotes sustainability and ‘climate action’. Its motto is “fostering a global shift towards a sustainable future.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another organization that is closely linked to the CoR is the United Nations University of Peace. The Chancellor (Robert Muller), Rector (Konrad Osterwalder) and CEO (Martin Lees) are all prominent CoR members. In fact Martin Lees has just been appointed as the CoR Secretary-General. Dr Muller founded the UN’s University of Peace on a mountain in Costa Rica. Why did he choose this location? Because of this ancient prophecy: “Dear children, the Great Spirit is in every animal, in every bird, butterfly, flower, insect, leaf and grass you see. The Great Spirit is also in you, the Creator’s children. Please take care of the wonderful nature created by God and some day, from this mountain, you will see the birth of a civilization of peace spread to the entire world.“ The ‘Board of Honor’ of the University includes: Betty Williams, Desmond Tutu, Elie Wiesel, the Dalai Lama Nelson Mandela, F. W. de Klerk and David Trimble. The University is also home to Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong’s infamous Earth Charter Initiative. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An excellent source of information is the Kosmos Journal, a publication dedicated to the ‘Global Awakening’ and fostering a ‘New Human Civilisation’. Many of the articles are written by CoR members. It actually makes me feel physically ill after spending a few hours wading through their nonsense. The founding partners of this journal include many of the organisations listed above and show how truly interconnected they are: Founding Partners: Club of Rome Club of Budapest World Wisdom Council Gorbachev Foundation World Commission for Global Consciousness and Spirituality Goi Peace Foundation Global Youth Network The Future 500 Institute of Noetic Studies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are just a few of the influential ‘environmental’ organizations that were either founded by, or are dominated by, CoR members. There are many more that I have come across but it would take forever to describe them all here. The leaders of the Global Green Agenda are deadly serious about their intention to “transform humanity into an interdependent global sustainable Earth Community, based on reverence and respect for Gaia” and they have been spreading their tentacles into every area of global politics. Some other CoR initiated organizations you may wish to research are: Awakening Mind Alliance for a New Humanity Association for Global New Thought The Ethical Globalization Initiative Foundation for Conscious Evolution Great Transition Initiative The Earth Council Alliance The World Future Council The Alliance of Civilizations The Global Marshall Plan The Eden Project
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 06:42:42 +0000

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