Change the way you look at things and things will change..its not - TopicsExpress


Change the way you look at things and things will change..its not good in blaming everything on others or the way the world is..we all need to start with the man/woman in the mirror..when we change how we look at things..things we look at change..its that slight 2mm change that I blogged about last May..that slight mind set shift! making your mind up to see things another way..not rigid thinking but being flexible.. All tall buildings are built to move slightly with the wind to withstand the elements no building can ensure there will be no force of weather that wont buffer its foundations....we also need this we all need buffers too..when something in life takes the wind out of our sails..we crumble..we retract..we go into a place of we can stay there and let the world go by for a while..and that is healthy as we need to determine our path..time will pass no mater what we do..but its still there ..tick tick ticking away.. others may rely on you for guidance.e to you for strength in their times of need..what happens to you when you need solace you blame whats happened for your moods ..for your actions..for your feelings?? we have to look within when things without arent working out for us..where does your inner strength come form?? Nothing can change so powerful as a human being..its takes courage and understanding of yourself..and this is the hard bit..loving yourself..we can all demonstrate love for others..but can we honestly say we love and respect ourselves?? and I dont mean in an egotistic way..I mean looking after you..self respect..doing things for you..being who you want to be..raising your standards..being your own voice..having core values you never stray from as you know who you are. . let me ask you this question...when you dont respect and love yourself how can you expect others to love and respect you back..??? think about this for a moment..we need to care for us first or we cant care for others! why does the air steward advise you to put the mask on yourself first before your child?? so that you can look after the child! really isnt rocket science and yet many of us go around thinking the world should be a better place..or that person should treat us better..we all have choices ..we can sit and moan..or change..for some moaning and being miserable is an art ( I refer back to my previous post)..dont make it your life plan..or you will waste your life and it will suck the very purpose out of you! Change your mind change your life..many ask me how can I do reading..listening..writing good positive stuff..mixing with good positive people..its all out there waiting for you. but it wont come to will have to go find it out...feed your brain good food as well as your life one can make that change! Power in your everyday life only comes from taking and accepting responsibility to change how you react to it! so take longer be moved on the chessboard of life..make that move yourself for your own good..for your own life.. Stay safe ..stay loved ..stay special..stay unique From a very snowy cold dark West Coast of Wales..I wish you love and joy throughout your day..and if its night with you..then a peaceful warm soft slumber till the morning light..
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 09:21:07 +0000

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