Chapter 1: The Dragon’s Lair. And there was war in heaven: - TopicsExpress


Chapter 1: The Dragon’s Lair. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. (Revelation 12:7) The Dragon, who’d so long ago been anointed as the Covering Cherub, and the other eight Principalities who’d ruled over the Nine Planets, or Stones of Fire as they were called, didn’t perish in the ferocity that had been unleashed and brought the First Great Age to a close. And nor could they perish, for they were immortal and Mighty Angels. But nevertheless, they were each in their own way greatly wounded, and the former privilege of a freedom to operate simultaneously in both the realm of flesh and the realm of angels, was now restricted, and they found themselves imprisoned within the bowels of the Deep, a dark, holding dimension, curled tightly between the others. Angry and frustrated, the Dragon, known formerly as Lucifer, could not admit defeat, for his pride would never allow it. He still considered himself to be as high as the Most High, so why did it seem to him that he was always one step behind? Why could he do nothing unless the Most High made a move first? From the moment of his creation in the dim and distant past, he’d been a person of great beauty and wisdom amongst the Angelic Host, for he was of the B’nai Ha Elohim, and a Son of the Morning. But why should he have to curtail to another? Why should he have the Most High to reign over him? Why should he make do with second best, to be just a ‘Light Bearer’, when he deserved to be the Light? This iniquity, as the Most High had called it, had corrupted his beauty and darkened his wisdom, but that wasn’t exactly how he viewed the situation. After all said and done, if it served his purpose, could he not appear as an Angel of Light? And had he not proved his worth by enticing one third of all his fellow Angels to join him and follow his lead? How dare one be accused of pride, when in reality one was only admitting how strikingly handsome and how exceedingly clever one was, and how one deserved to be honoured in accordance with one’s majestic worth. Proud indeed! How dare he? However, he reluctantly conceded that it did present a bit of a problem, for he was now outnumbered by two to one, and Michael’s Army was double the size of his own. But he was shrewd and knew secrets, and in time would surely build himself an army large enough to at least balance the numbers. And so he waited, albeit not by choice, and as he waited, his burning pride fired up his anger and hatred to such a degree, that had his body been a physical one, it surely would have bloated until evil, like thick black slime, oozed from every pore and orifice. Blinded by pride, the Adversary was unable to comprehend that his darkened wisdom was little more than the craft of cunningness. And if it were true, which he very much doubted, that an everlasting fire had been prepared for him and his angels, then bring it on! There was no way he would go there without putting up a fight. And if he did end up going there, which once again he very much doubted, then be assured that he would take as many others with him as was possible. There was no way that he would go there without great multitudes of followers, and without putting up a jolly good fight. So bring it on! In his fallen state he contemplated what exactly the Most High might do next, and plotted and planned every conceivable counter move. Somehow he would increase his numbers, and at the appointed time would claim back his rightful role, and rule over the Kingdom of Heaven. It would be a long and great battle, of that he had no doubt, but he hadn’t been given his new title, Satan, the Adversary, without reason, and after all, he was smart and there were things that he knew. Ezekiel 28:14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: ………. thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Ezekiel 28:16 …and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 10:41:08 +0000

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