(Chapter 1 draft) I woke up as I always did, to my alarm radio. - TopicsExpress


(Chapter 1 draft) I woke up as I always did, to my alarm radio. It goes off at 7:35 every day to my favorite station, K99.1 FM. The song that was playing was Old Alabama. My boyfriend Jordan told me that the song sounds like it was made about me. The sky was clear; not a cloud in the sight. I was in a good mood as I saw a flock of geese fly by. I got my 2 ferrets up and fed them, let all the dogs out, and I let Saber out of the barn into the pastiche. I went back to my room and let my 2 ferrets play while I worked on my computer game, It was a roller coaster park that I named Childs Play. I had been working on this park for a month, I was almost done with it. I heard a noise so I got up from my desk and looked out my window. My dad was getting into his truck. As he left, he waved at me. I waved back, I put my ferrets back into their play pen. Washed my hair then put on my favorite outfit, and then did my chores. 9 more days until Valentines Day and 2 mouths till my birthday, I said out loud as I marked off my Twilight calendar. I than turned my TV on; Ghost Whisperer was on, I of course had seen the episode. The episode was my favorite. I loved this show. I wished I had the power to talk to the dead. That would be fun; I thought to myself. I looked for my raspberry body splash spray. I put my kindle on the charger and saw that my cellphone was blinking 3 new messages... Fairys rule and so do you, cant Wait for you to move in next door. Lov ya ike a sis, is Jordie coming? If you cant tell its Kimmy . . . . The next one was from Kimmys older sister Caty she said, Hey girl whats up my mom got a call from her Doctor and had to leave so Im taking Tilly and Stitch to their vets appointments, going to be a little bit late hope thats okay? Love ya girl, bff Caty. . ...The last one was from the love of my life and boyfriend Jordan Hey Catt Ill be bringing my bro hope thats okay with you, I know your not fond of him, text me back if its not okay. Love you with all my heart. TLND. I text them all back while I packed the last of my things and Callys chair. We are free I said, as I pack the last of my blankets. Cally purred softly watching me. How is my baby this morning, I asked the calico cat. She meowed at me. I kissed her on the head. She purred as I petted her. I get to live with my grandma and be closer to my man and my best friends, I thought to myself right then. My mom yelled, Hurry up, I want to go back to bed. Get your but down here now. she said. Almost done. I yelled back. Ill miss this room, I thought to myself, looking at my bare pink walls. I shut my door as I put the last box in the hallway, then I carried them down the stairs avoiding the cats that slept. Cally followed slowly behind me. Hope and Reggie were sound asleep on the chair. The TV was on my all time favorite movie PRINCESS BRIDE. “That movie is so truthful.” I said as I walked out onto the porch, putting the boxes down with the others. I sat on the swing with my cats, Cally and Gizmo. It was already 80 degrees. I was singing to myself when I heard a truck coming up the road I knew who it belonged to. As it came up the drive way, I could hear a faint song blaring from the speakers. The song Enter Sandman, the truck was blue and just about every other color you can think of. It was because of paint balls plastered all over it. The song was still playing as its tires squealed to a stop next to my van. I put Gizmo on the ground and stood up as Jordans brother Josh got out he was in his favorite outfit. It was some cameo shorts and a hulk super hero tee. He was tall and lanky. He had dark black hair. His eyes were as green as the grass. He waved at me; I waved back. His brother stood beside him. Both boys standing side by side, it was hard to tell which one was older. Jordan was not as tall but he had more muscle. My man as always he was hot as ever. His blond hair was spiked with flame red/Orange tips. He had on his white beater hiding his rock hard 6 pack abs. His green and black army pants hiding his strong toned legs. and brown flip flops showing off his beautiful feet. Sweat glistened on his skin that was left uncovered on his toned arms. His tan was perfect, and his best fetcher was his eyes; blue as the sky after a big rain storm. They sparkled so bright. They were the one thing on his beautiful body that made me melt. When our eyes lock I feel safe and my powers feel under control. I walked off the porch; the morning dew felt good under my bare feet. The cool wind hit my face. He was happy to see me. Havent been waiting long, I hope? His voice flowed as sweet as honey. As I felt his hands, they were as rough as ever but they felt so good as he wrapped them around me in a hug. I would wait forever, I said as I sank into his arms kissing him on the lips. Than I laid my head on his shoulder. His skin was heated from the sun. He swung me around as he kissed me back. Than he pulled away his gorgeous blue eyes darting around the yard looking for my someone. . . 3,2,1 I thought to myself. What about your dad? He cant kill you cause hes not here, I said with a laugh. He went to work like 25 min ago. We kissed again longer this time, his kiss was so passionate today. His brother yelled at us to get a room. Jordan looked at his brother with a death stare. I laughed, Did Caty text you? Yeah. he said “Okay good, and by the way, Josh you sound like Caty. He looked at me confused Never mind., I said. Hey baby, can you chill it down out here? Cause its like 100 degrees. He took his shirt off in one swift movement wiping his forehead with it. Sorry bout that I was just so happy to see you. I closed my eyes and the clouds rolled in the wind picked up. Feel better? I said with a smile. He smiled. “Life is good., I said sitting on the steps of my house. Hell yeah., he said looking at me. I texted Caty, as I watch my boyfriend and his brother absent minded. Jordan sat next to me for a few minutes, but then he was up again. He did some back flips and handstands and throwing his fist in the air. He pulled his paintball gun out shot it at his truck. He was one hyper kid. “Do you ever sit down?“ I said. He looked at me with his cute smile and said “No, not unless your arms are around me.” I grabbed at him. “Missed me, Missed me now you got to kiss me.” he said. Come over here so I can. I said playfully. He did about six more back flips then sat next to me, grabbing my hand and kissing it. He whisperer TLND in my ear. I said it back. TLND was our little thing that we would say to each other. It meant true love never dies. I kissed him before he got away again. He bounced around. He sat back down so I sat on him. He pushed me in the grass pinning me the the ground. I bit him so he would let me up. We watched his brother do some Fancy tricks on his skateboard. My man was up and down the whole time The phone vibrated in my hands as she text me back . . Be there soon, Im leaving the vet now I just have to drop them off, then Ill be over. (Jordans P.O.V) I look at my girl watching me. Shes a goddess and Im just a knowing bonded thats all I am. I see what she truly is, its so hard not to be able to tell her. Thats the bonded curse we cant tell our mates what they are until we marry. I know she is a true bonded goddess the one that will rule over mankind. She is a truly a sight to behold. Her love, her power, her style. I sat back down next to her, my energy is endless, she dont know it, I dont sleep except for about 3 hours a night. I can help her with her powers but I cant cont control them even tho she thinks I can. My brother on the other hand hes human as they come. I dont understand why he is human and not a bonded like me April Caty and Kimmy. Did you ask yet bro? No go away you need to ask her bro. Not today but bro you want to tell her what she is dont you ya I do but not yet “Jordan and April sitting in a tree, kissing first comes love then com-” stop it said I shot a paint ball at his bored he fell to the ground. (Aprils P.O.V) Josh kept getting real close to Jordan and asking him something, I wasnt paying attention to what he said. Josh fell off his bored. Abby came out of the house and sat next to me. She is a golden spaniel mix. She is my moms pride and joy. She is the smartest dog I know. She knows how to open the car doors, In my van. 25 minuets later a ladybug painted Beadle bug car, pulled in the drive way. Caty got out and walked up to us. Hey girl, hey Josh” she twisted her hair, sorry Im late, lets lode the last of your stuff.” Josh fell off his Bored as he saw Caty walking up. He looked at her,she reached for his hand to help him up. Girl its okay the last boxes are over here. I got up and helped carry the boxes. As I went down the steps I almost fell but Jordan caught me, and the boxes too. Thank god for you I whispered. Whats that one? Josh asked looking near the barn. he walked over and picked up the box and brought it over. A gift for Caty for helping me out, and being my best friend. She bent down and open it. Her eyes lit up with excitement. What did she get you? Jordan asked as the clouds rolled away. Wedding bliss, A Girls love, a sailor moon tail, Dive to the Titanic, omg thees books arent supposed to be out for another 8 months how in the heck did you get them? she asked as she took each of the books out of the box. Her eyes were so wild they looked like they would pop out kinda like my brothers dog Boo Bugs eyes. that dogs eyes are to big for its head. Girl I kinda know the authors, cause Stephenie Meyer is looking at our boo- You did what? Her face was blank but her emotions were shock and little ticked off. The books fell out of her hands back into the box. her hands landed on my shoulders. Tell me again what you did? “I sent the book to her with a note explaining about your dream of being an Author just like her, she emailed me back like 2 weeks later and said she red our book cover to cover and said it was an amazing read. She wants to publish it.” “I sent her another email asking her about those books and she talked to those authors and sent me them to me.” “Youve got to be kidding me, she said that?” Her hands wore over her mouth to hold back a scream. “Girl you know I wouldnt lie about that! Here look.” I showed her my phone with the email. Her mouth dropped, her eyes lit up and she screamed then hugged me. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!, Your the best bf anyone cold ever have!!” “Glad you like it now lets get going I told grammy J we wold be there before 5:45. I said.” I pulled my keys out of one of my bags and toasted them to Josh all my key rings jingled. here take these Im ridding with my man. Okay. Fine with me. his voice and his emotions were calm. “Dont change my station or else!!” I said jokingly. “Im cool I dont care Ive brought my I pod.” Wow he has changed, I thought to myself as I picked up Cally. My mom walked out with a diet coke. She yelled good by to me. I ran and gave her a hug then walked back to Jordans truck. he started it up Superstition was playing, after it went off I melt started playing. I slid real close to him and whisperer “I love you,” then I kissed him. “Baby I love you so much more than life its self.” He said as he put his arm around me and pulled me closer. We pulled out of my driveway and headed to the gas station to get some gas for the rust bucket and Jordans truck. The song Wake me up when September ends came over the radio as he turn the car off. While I sat in his truck I looked in the glove box and saw a small black thing in the back of it under a bunch of papers. “Hey baby dont look in there okay.” he said sweetly. “Why not?” I asked baby just do this one thing and dont look in there. His voice was even. Okay love. I said as I shut it. (Jordans P.O.V.) We got in the car she slid over as close as she could get. The only things going threw my mind was god why did you give her to me shes a goddess damn I want her so bad, God I love her. We drove not talking just listening to the radio. When she kisses me I feel so free. We pulled into the gas station. I got out of the truck I turned to walk into the gas station I saw April getting in the glove box. Oh crap shes going to find her ring. I thought to my self she is the most beautiful. I had to stop her. I went in and payed for the gas. I saw Robby Howard the town Mackinac and Catys dad . Hey I said he asked me how my truck was doing I said fine good hows your girlfriend we are good I walked out of the store (April P.O.V.) He got back in grabbed my hand and kissed it. “Sorry I yelled at you.” “Its okay you didnt yell at me.” We went to the Jug restraint for lunch. I got the fries and a root beer float. Caty got a chocolate milk shake and red one of the books I got her. Jordan and Josh got a few burgers and fries and root beer floats. After lunch we headed to my Grammy Js. We pulled into her driveway about 4:58. the song on the radio was trouble with girls, after the song ended, Jordan and I got out put Cally on the ground she ran on to my grandmothers porch and started eating the cat food. I went to the truck and walked to the back and started to unload the truck. Josh pulled in next then Caty pulled in next door. Kimmy came running out of her house and toured me, or so I thought. She ran past me and plowed into Jordan, knocking him over. “Dang that hurt!” This time I caught him but let my stuff drop to the ground. Thank god for you my kitten, he whispered to me. Oh no sorry Jordie, You okay? Im sorry. Her tiny green eyes had small tears in them. Her teddy bear still in her hands. Hey Little fairy its OK Im fine you ever think about football? You sure I can go get my Tinkerbell ice pack. She completely ignored the football question. No no no Im fine but you can help me carry this stuff to my sweet Aprils room.” His eyes sparkle when he say my name. “Love ya like a little sister.” He winked at her. “Okay” she kissed his cheek and picked up the smallest box she could find, just then Caty came up and said girl youve got some competition for his heart. “Yeah I do” I said as I helped Jordan up. She looks at my man and said, “I cant believe you of all people got beat up by an 9 year old girl.” She laff grabbing some of the stuff that had split. “Well I was raised to never hit a women or little girls.” He said smiling. She was quiet as she started to walk toured the barn when Josh asked if he could help her out. Her face turned red as he took the biggest box from her then took off tord the barn on his board. we all followed with the other boxes. I saw my grandma was in her the field tending to her vegetable and flower gardens. She yelled hi to us, and something else. We yelled hi back. What did she ask us? She asked us to come see the garden, did you see Catys face? Jordan asked me. She turned 3 shades of red. He said laughing. I know right? red as a rose! so cute. I said with a small laff. His eyes locked on his brother, drifting away on his skateboard. His body tensed up. My bro isnt good for her. Caty turned around “Why not hes hot?” Hes not good for you cause he doesnt find love he just find hot. your hot to him, know but the secant someone hotter comes along hell kick your- well hes hot and I- Honey chill” I said looking at Caty, then I turned to Jordan, I think there meant for each other cause shes the same way. “You really think that you . . . you freak. her temper was hard the clouds rolled in and it started to rain. Girl its tr-” “No its not, name one time!!!!” I put up my fingers, “Lets see there was Toby, then Mike, then Edmen, then Dave, then DJ, then Jim, then Mar- okay you made your point I said one time. . . Now shut the hell up you bit-” her face was red with anger, the rain started to fall harder. She spat at my feet. Her emotions sent my powers into over drive as the rain fell. Hey dont say those words you know mommy hates those kind of words. Im telling mom if you say them again!!! Kimmy yelled at her big sister. She folded her arms over her chest. The teddy in her hands was now tide to waste. Her small eyes said it all . . . She was piste off at her only sister. She stomped her foot on the ground. “Girl you suck!!, some friend you turned out to be, turning my own sister agents me!! Caty grumbled to herself as she walked away. The wind picked up big time. The rain got harder. Kimmy looked at me and said “what did she mean by that?” shes just mad thats all. I said Kimmy said okay then walked away, putting her teddy over her head. Bet ya 10 bucks that 8 flavors beats the Elektrolytes I said as we walked into the barn. “I got that bet.” he whisperer in my ear. A horse nayed at me, it was Thunder he is solid black with a brown diamond shape on his head. Vally was asleep in its stall. It is a white and light brown spots. I went over and kissed my Thunder on the nose, then I climbed on his back and climbed up into the hole above him then crowed over to the loft and I took the hay lifter and lowered it so they could put the boxes on it, then put the latter down. Caty and Jordan climbed up. I turned on my TV to ABDC and We watched in complete silence the only sound besides the TV was the 14 chimes I spread out in the barn. Half way threw the show, Kimmy asked me “Why do none of the chimes match?” “I just love chimes I dont care what they look like.” I said so do you want this one she asked me she held out a small chime with a Crane on it. That is so cute yeah if you dont want it. I dont like it cranes are creepy birds, Here. “No there not”, I hung it up next to the humming bird one. “Thanks Kimmy.” The TV said that Elektrolytes won I slapped ten bucks in Jordans hand. “Guess you dont always pick the winning crew?” he told me. “Yeah but I did pick the winning crews to be in the top 2.” “Im going home okay Jordie.” Kimmy said as she threw her bear into the hey, then went down the latter. She grabbed her bear then yelled by and ran out of the barn. “See you at home kiddo” Caty yelled after her. The all boy crew winning seem to make her forget all about our small fight. Jordan looked at Caty in the funnest way squinting his eyes, he had his arms around me. “So you going to ask my bro out or are you just going to let him think hes got a chance?” His voice was calm flowed like the wind. His breath on the back of my neck felt so good. “Well . . . . in fact I was going to call him as soon as I got home.” Her eyes narrowed as if to see if he was hiding something. He looked at her in the same way he smiled real big then kissed me on the cheek, he grabbed a pen from my purse and my note book. “Well then heres his number” he said handing her a piece of paper. “Thank you.” Her face was all smiles. I need to stretch out my legs. Jordan said he kissed my hand then went for a walk. “Okay I cant be leave Im saying this but your man is not all that bad.” “Thanks hes the best man in this world.” I wouldnt go that far. She said rolling her eyes. Look Teen Wolf is coming on. I said flipping shows. “I love that show more than any other show.” She yelled taking the remote from me and turning up the volume. “Aw man its a re run.” I said reading the info. “So this is the one with Jacksons shirt off, Jackson is sooooo HOT!!!” Caty yelled as the show went to Carmichael. “Nobody is as hot as my man I said with a laff.” before she could respond, the song one wing in the fire filled the barn. She ancered her phone, hi daddy whats up? He said something then she said “okay so what dose that mean?” “Im coming home right now” My friends face turned from a concern to shock. I have none this chick since kindergarden and she has never cried. Not cause of a boy or a cut or a broken bone nothing but this phone call had her in tears. My powers didnt know what to do the wind picked up and the rain pounded the roof. All that I could get out of my mouth was what? She didnt ancer me, she just jumped off into the hay, she rolled out of the hay and took off toured her house. I did the same so I could run after her. I saw her dad on the back pouch her voice was cracking as ask him what did the doc say how long is she OK all the questions came at once. “She just called me all she said was sniff . . . her cancer was back worst sniff . . . case they have ever seen. thats all I know I swear.” He cried, his snot dripped on her head as he hugged his daughter her voice broke as she spoke have you sniff told Kimmy yet sniff. . . dose she know dose sniff . . . . she even care? no I dont sniff have the sniff heart to tell her. blood vessels in his eyes Had popped. They where so red. He was about to speak when Kimmys voice rang out. Tell me what? her voice came from behind her father. she had Jordan in one hand and her bear in the other. Jordan dropped her hand and came over and stood by me. I offered my hand to him. His hand was red. “Man that kid is strong.” he whispered to me. Yeah I know. I put my hand in his as careful as I could. He flinched “sorry” I whispered Its okay baby. I looked at her dads green eyes as they filled with tears as he asked her “You know how mommy has been so sick lately?” Thunder boomed overhead, as all the emotions ripped threw me. The storm was getting worse with all the emotions going on. Yes daddy I know this, her face was blank. Is this going to take long, I have to hunt for fairys in like five minuets. His eyes filled with more tears as he spoke,“Well there is place where people go- another boom of thunder. Thunder boomed louder and harder. My powers were so powerful. as they yelled and my powers went nuts I would have fallen to the ground if Jordan hadnt been holding me up. “You okay” he asked me looking concerned. He lowered me to the ground. “The rain feels like ice” he said he shivered from the rain. “sorry and yeah Im fine” I took a deep breath standing back up, “just my powers.” Caty yelled at her father. My god dad she is 9, if you dont I will Im 9 1/2 thank you very much. her face still blank the rain started to come down in sheets. You could barely see threw it. She has a thing called sniff called cancer if the doctors sniff can’t make her better she will di- What your sister is trying to say is if the doctors can’t help her get better she will have to live with the farrys- so if she gets to sick she gos to live with the farrys for a while then they can make her better and she can come back. A small frown came across her face. She cant come back once you’re a fairy you can’t come back to our side. “So I can find her as a fairy right” “Yes thats whats Im saying.” he smiled a small tiny smile as the rain slowed down for a few minuets, so I can find mommy and bring her home with me and keep her like they do with tinker bell. No now slow down there for a minent, yes you can find her but if you take her home and keep her she will lose her magic and be hurt. His voice was calm but shaking from the cold sting of the rain. I tried that with my daddy but it hurt him. That why when you search for the fairies you dont always find them. Jordan said his voice cracked as he spoke. but I can still find her right? Yes now lets get you inside before you get a cold. My powers where so confused the rain picked back up when Caty flipped out Moms not going to live with stupid fairies she will be six feet under dead. fairies dont live dummy!!!!!! God when are you going to learn that? She ran away crying. Kimmys eyes filled with tears she plopped down in the mud and shoved her face into her soaking wet teddy bear. Jordan and I sat in the mud with her the mud was cold as ice, Kimmys dad went and got a jacket and draped it over her. Dont listen to her I said she’s just upset about the news. She turned her face tord mine and said “She hurt some farrys by saying what she said that why Im crying not cause of what she said about mommy. I know it was just anger. Lets get you inside little lady her dad said why are you not sad about what she said about mommy Honey? cause i know she will be under the ground but her spirit will become a fairy if I sprinkle this on her grave, so I can find her. Whats that? I asked. “Its my fairy potion. the websites say to pore this on her grave or in her bed.” Her small shaking hands gave him a small glass jar of sparkles and other stuff. “How long have you had this?” “Since the first time mommy got sick i went online after I overheard you and mommy and the Doctor talking about her dying and the grave site,” her tears began to fall again. We walked into the living room Caty sat on the couch crying her eyes out while she was drying her hair with a blow dryer, Kimmy was still crying, “come here kiddo Im sorry I didnt mean to say what I said.” They hugged and and Kimmy sat next to her sister on her green and blue bean bag. The rain slowed as we watched the TV, nobody spoke for a long time the mood in the room was fearfully calm. I got the rain to stop. (Kimmys P.O.V) Im just a 91/2 year old kid but I know things, I am a child of god and my mommys world so I wanted to help my mommy in every way. The best way to do that is fairy magic. I could tell my sister was sorry for what she just told me so I forgave her. I may be 91/2 but Im wise beyond my years at least thats what my daddy said anyways. The room was silent as... we waited on mommy to return from her doctor appointment. I played with my toys in my bean bag chair. Jelly bear in my lap. I love my bear my mommy gave it to me the day i was born. He was my best friend till I started school then I had to leave him at home witch made me sad I cried every day till I made a friend named Rose garden she was Sun shines sister. She showed me how to hunt fairies and other stuff like mermaids and witches. 4th grade she passed away she was hunting a fairy and she slipped into a river behind her family hippie van. They lived in a van till that happened I looked out the window and saw my mommies car.Mommys home! I yelled breaking the silence getting up off my bean bag chair. We all walked out onto the front porch. Mommy got out of her car. She slowly walked up the 2 steps as I hugged her legs. She sat down. “what did the Doctor say?” Daddy asked as he sat next to mommy. “All he said is I have cancer for the 6 time, this is the worst case Ive ever had. ” Aprils P.O.V) what dose that mean? I asked as the rain began to fall again. Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke, They told me, that I may not survive another round of chemo, I asked whats my other options they told me there was nothing else they could do for me. I told him I want to fight one last fight for my girls. Im not leaving this world without a fight. We all went inside and watched tv. Jordan texted his brother and friends from work he was going to be in late tonight. Her tears fell on Kimmys head, my powers felt the rain fall harder a knock on the door it was josh he walked into the room he was soaking wet. I left work as soon as I herd he said shaking off like a dog. Ill get you a towel Kimmy said getting up. “Josh did you skate bored here I would have come pick you up.” Jordan said to his brother. “With all the weather like it was I fingered your girl needed you more than I did.” “You came just in time for Face off.” Catt said with a small smile. Her girls looked at her with shock. “What?”she said back. Mom you talked to josh you never talk to him. “Heres your towel Josh” Kimmy said handing it to him. “Thanks” Girls hes a nice boy and I do to talk to him. He dried off his hair as he sat next to Caty. “You alright?” She just looked at him. “ yeah now that you’re here her tears fell.” he patted her on the back as she cried on his wet shoulder. The dogs felt the the mood in the room change, Tilly was not her wild self. Caty we need to get going so we can get ready for work. Im not going anywhere. “You know the boss won’t be happy about you doing that.” Her mom said. “I dont care about that witch she can got to hell for all I care. Im not leaving you mommy.” “You know I dont like you talking like that” Her mom said as tears formed in her eyes. “Sorry mommy” “Ill text you later, and I will tell the boss you won’t be at work tonight.” thanks she said barring her head in Joshes chest. I hugged her then slipped out the door. Jordan slipped out with me I love you, I need to get 2 work too, talk later my love. Tlnd I said as he opened his truck door. He said it back as he started it up the song Enter SandMan blared over the radio, then drove away. I went back to my grandmas house and got changed into my hot topic uniform and left for work. Then I pulled into the my parking spot. I made a quick stop at the Claire’s building for some new earrings. My boss Madam Jaden was standing at the back door of the store. Your late!!! her feelings were strong. She was in the uniform which is a bright Blue top and white mini skirt. Only by 2 minuets. Besides Catys mom is sick with cancer and thats also why shes not here. She was pissed I dont believe you swine!! Get to work, or you’re fired and you can tell Caty shes fired I walked past her thinking every bad word under the sun. The rain began to pound the roof. I was so upset. All the kids that buy from this store are freaks. i said as i saw sunshine and his brother samuel walk passed the store. “Yeah I know” . All the boys are in Mohawks and the girls bright purple and green hair. Sara said as she stocked the shelves 6 hours of selling Skimpy closes to a bunch of butt head girls and boys. God I hate this job. Give me a sigh so I can leave it. I prayed to myself,as a customers called me slow. On my brake I was walking toward the pet store they had an opening for a job taking care of the cats. That was fast I thought to myself, so got an filled out anapplication dropped it off.. Got the number of the boss there. Got dinner at the food court. Samuel n Sunshine was sitting two tables away. i overheard them talking i pretended that i didn’t see the as i read my latest book on my kindle Die For Me. O look sunshine its April you’ve pined over since kindergarden. Where? April, she’s over there brother. i will have her as my bride someday brother she will be the most beautiful bride in the world. you Should go over there and ask her out . I laugh in my head knowing she didn’t like him when we was younger and still hates him now. U know i will he said . Good luck brother i say with a smile on my face . Sunshine walked over to me hey you go away i didn’t take my eyes off my kindle. you know one day you will be my bride never will i be your bride, again go away i took a sip of my pop. i got up walked away before he could say anything else. I went back and I locked up the store, then I walked to my car the entire day had me so jumppy it felt as if someone was watching my every move as i climbed into my van and drove home. I hate that job.. I text Caty as I sat at a stop light. She texts me back one word Witch!!!!!!!! I sent her lol, Wfh!!! she text lol . . . .the person behind me honked his horn. I turned on to Specter Street as I drove past Jordans job he was sitting outside on the back hoe. He waved at me. I waved back. My grandma was sitting on the porch with Cally and my friend lindsay when I pulled up. So I told them what my boss had said she told me to pray and ignore her. My friend Lindsay told me to kick her ass and my grandma said, You are too strong dont let it beat you up.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 02:42:26 +0000

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