Chapter 3: Acting like a hero Let us once again join the team - TopicsExpress


Chapter 3: Acting like a hero Let us once again join the team hanging out in the park. “Two Knights lift.” Alex says. “Not Really.” Says male voices. “What who’s there.” Darien shouts. The Group starts looking around. Luna and Artemis spot a red tailed hawk setting in a tree over Alex. “I was stating to wonder when you show up.” Luna says. “Luna you know me I love to show up at the right time.” Says the hawk. “Ok talking cats and now a talking bird.” Oz Says. “Tobias nice to see you again.” Artemis says. “You two cat man.” Tobias replies. “Ok and you are?” Darien asks. “That harts Prices you don’t rember your garden.” Tobias says flying down on to Darien shoulder. “My Garden?” Darien says. “Yep thank of me as a bird form of Artemis.” Tobias says. “Ya but I look batter.” Artemis says. “Can we get back to the task at hand?” Rei says. “Oh ya sorry Rei you were saying.” Serena replies. “The new enemy name is Negalord.” Rei explains. “So it’s him again.” Tobias says. “what do you mean?” Darien asks “Your Grandfather and father fought with him shortly after the great war.” Tobias says. “Wow but if they fought him what’s he doing here?” Alex asks. “They did not destroy him they band him to the darkness of space.” Tobias explains. “Wall it look’s like he is back.” Oz says. “Yes and we have little time we most find the rest of the Knights. Only then with the power of the sailor scouts and the Global Knights can we stop him.” Tobias says. In the dark palsies we see Negalord passing up and down in the thrown room. “Come know my king it’s not that bad.” Beryl says. “Not that bad! Not that bad you say. Two more knights and the princes will be able to unlock the power of the royal blood line.” Negalord Yells. “Then let us kill the next Knight first.” Beryl says. “And just how would you like me to do that!” Negalord shouts. Beryl throws a news paper at Negalord feet. Negalord picks it up. On the front page there is a Picher of a man out front of a new Performing arts theater. “What this all abut?” Negalord says. “That man is Kunzite.” Beryl replies. “Are you share?” Negalord asks. “Oh yes I know my own Generals. That is him.” Beryl says with a devilish grin. Negalord snaps his finger and an all red man dressed and black appears before them “Yes Master.” Says the man. “Borgon I have some one I want you to kill.” Negalord say holding up the paper. “At once.” Borgon says and diapers. “So your using demon’s now.” Beryl says. “Yes I am. The week monsters seem not to work so I will call on my demons. Let us see what my demon’s can do. ” Negalord says with a dark laugh. We join up with the group walking down the main street. “What are we doing here to day?” Lita asks. “We need stuff for are new Places.” Darien says. “Oh ya you two moved.” Rei says. “Yep Darien got us a sweet five bed room places that was in are price range.” Alex says. The Group walk past the new Theater. Rei and Mina stopped cold. “Hey hold up were is Rei and Mina?” Serena says. The group turns around to see the two girl’s standing there. “Hey what gives?” Serena says as the group walks back to them. “I can fell a word power coming form here.” Rei says. “Ok then I get why Rei stopped but why you Mina?” Lita asks. Mina Just punts to a Poster hanging on the theater doors. It’s of the man form the paper. Under the man is the name Mike Callings. “He looks so dreamy.” Mina says all red feast. “An actor.” Alex says. “The poster says he is a new up and coming actor.” Oz says. “I wander what’s the play he is doing.” Mina says. “Umm it called.…” Darien says and goes white in the faces. “Darie?” Lita asks. Darien points to the name of the play. The group gasps out. The plays name is. The Hunt for Princes Endymion. “That can’t be only we know that name.” Oz says. “Yes us Knights” Alex says. “You’re thanking his a Knight?” Amy asks. “Yes I mean look it says he write the play.” Alex says. “Ya and look at him he looks a lot like Kunzite.” Oz says. “So we need to talk to this guy.” Darien says. Luna and Artemis come running up and Tobias fly’s up. “Scouts we got treble.” Luna says. “That is right Knights its time to suet up!” Tobias Yells “ MOON COMIC POWER!” Serena yells and turns in to Sailor Moon. “MERCURY CRYSTAL POWER!” Amy yells and turns in to Sailor Mercury. “MARS CRYSTAL POWER!” Rei yells and turns in to Sailor Mars. “ JUPITER CRYSTAL POWER!” Lita yells and turns in to Sailor Jupiter. “VENUS CRYSTAL POWER!” Mina yells and turns in to sailor Venus. “ GOLDEN CRYSTAL TRANSFORMATION!” Darien yells and turns in to Tuxedo mask. “ZOICITE CRYSTAL TRANSFORMATION!” Alex Yells and Turns in to Zoicite. “NEPHRITE CRYSTAL TRANSFORMATION!” Oz Yells and turns in to Nephrite. At the outskirts of town Borgon is making light work of docks and shipping Yards. “This is to easy.” Borgon says throwing energy ball. “Hey you stop right there!” Sailor moon says. “So you have come at last.” Borgon says as he turns to faces the scouts and Knights. Sailor Mars gasping for air seeing Borgon. “You’re no monster.” Sailor Mars says. “That’s right I am a demon.” Borgon explains. “Monster or demon what your doing to the people is unforgivable.” Tuxedo Mask says. “And we will not let you keep this up.” Sailor Moon says. “To bad I have no time for you. Negafighters!” Borgon says. The Negafighters appear and Borgon diapers. “Let’s get this over with fast?” Sailor Jupiter says. The fight was on. There ware Negafighter ever were. “We are why out numbered here.” Nephrite says being kicked in to a back. The Negafighters contend to beat on are hero’s. Mean wile at the theater hall Borgon was attacking Mike. Mike comes running out of the Thither. “Some one help me!” Mike Yells. Borgon comes running out after him blowing up the downers. “There no uses running form me Knight!” Borgon Yells. Tobias fly’s up and Luna and Atriums run up to the Knight and scouts. “The Demon is after Mike!” Tobias says. “Great but we are a little tied up right now.” Zoicite says. “Give me the crystal.” Says a female hock flying up. “TARA!” Tobias yells. “Yes I am back to but the crystals now!” Tara says. “Here go fast Tara, Tobias go with her!” Tuxedo Mask says and pushes of one of the Negafighters and throws the stone. Tara grabs it in her talon and her and Tobias fly off. Back at Mike. Borgon has pined Mike down. “Time to die!” Borgon says and claws form on his right hand. “Mike get ready to catch.” Tara says. “What the who side that?” Mike asks. The two hawks swoop down. Tobias goes in and attacks Borgon’s faces. Tara drops the stone in Mike hand. “What is this?” Mike says. “Yell out Kunzite Crystals Transformation.” Tara Yells. “What the did that hawk just talk?” Mike asks. “There is no time just do it!” Tara Yells. Borgon nocks Tobias to the gowned. “That’s It! KUNZITE CRYSTAL TRANSFORMATION!” Mike Yells and a hurricane covers him and Mike is filled with power. Once the wind dies down Kunzite now stands there. “All right demon now you pay for what you have done.” Kunzite says. “No way you got your powers back… So what you can’t stop me.” Borgon says. “That is right and now I will show them to you.” Kunzite says. Borgon stumbles back. “Kunzite Hurricane.” Kunzite Yells and Borgon is engulfed in a hurricane and blow to bits. “Nice work Kunzite.” Tara says flying up. Kunzite puts his arm out and Tara Lands on it. “All this time you could talk.” Kunzite says. “yes but I hade to hide it tell you were ready.” Tara says. “Have the other been awaked?” Kunzite asks. “Yes but there in a heated battle.” Tobias says flying over head. Meanwhile are hero’s are still trying to fight off the negafighters. “This cant be happening.” Sailor Mars says being dog piled on. “You’re so right how can we lose!” Sailor Venus Yells after getting a hard kick to the faces. “Kunzite world wild!” Kunzite yells and the Negafighters are blown off the team and in to bits. “What the?” Sailor moon says as Tuxedo Mask helps her up. Kunzite come Walking up with the two hawk’s on his shoulders. “Kunzite!” Tuxedo Mask Yells. “Yes my Princes.” Kunzite says bowing. “Rice up my old Friend and welcome back.” Tuxedo mask says “Thank you it’s nice to see you all again.” Kunzite says. “That was one powerful movie back there.” Sailor Venus says. “True but you have no room to talk My Lady Venus.” Kunzite says. Sailor Venus just meats as her faces goes red.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 00:12:58 +0000

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