Chapter#34 I went to bed in tears.. I even woke up in the - TopicsExpress


Chapter#34 I went to bed in tears.. I even woke up in the middle of the night and moved to my moms bed. The scent of her perfumes made me feel better,then I finally fell asleed. Tebo woke me up with a cup of hot chocolate the next morning,I had hoped it was just a bad dream..I jumped out of bed and went looking for her in the lounge,obviously I didnt find Anyone,Tebo saw this and told me again what happened with my dear mother...Reality hit me once again Tebo- lovie,dont worry man everything will be fine :/ Me- hae..I dont have anything to say Tebo- I know youre hurt eish..anyway,take a quick bath.. You said you wanted to see her akere? I was sooo tired of life,breathing was a damn mission. Everything I did took ages,I spent almost an hour in the bathtub,during that time,I was thinking about what the hell I had done to deserve all of this? What did Karma want from me!? I blamed myself for my moms condition,she was health-conscious man! Didnt eat a lot of junk food,had a few classes of yoga and had regular check ups with her GP.. There could only be one thing that caused her stroke-Stress :/ .. I had put a whole lot of pressure and stress on my mom,including Thabos arrest.she couldnt take it anymore,it almost killed her! It had been a while since I had heard anything about Thabo,I wanted to ask Tebo about it but it slipped my mind several times ..I didnt care a lot about him anyway,he didnt give me the love and financial support I received from my mom :( After finally getting ready,I forced myeself to eat then waited for Tebo to get done.whilst on our way,I remembered Thabo and asked her about him Me-Where did Thabo end up? I wish hed get released or something..maybe it would make momfeel better :/ Tebo-oh! I really forgot eish! Hes coming back Me-Really?? Tebo-well kind of,the Cuban government agreed to let him go,but hell still serve his sentence in SA. Me-oh? Hes still a criminal mxm Tebo-but its still good news .atleast youll be able to visit him Me-me? Oh hell no Ill wait for his release. Tebo-Reba! .. Eish,I hope this will some how boost your mothers mood hey? Me-it will! I know it was kind of selfish or evil in some way of me to refuse on seeing Thabo.But I wasnt ready to see the walls of a prison,Never mind seeing my own brother in those orange overalls!!? :(.. We arrived at the private hospital my mom was being really looked expensive,more than we could afford! But I didnt care,I just wanted her to get better . Tebo wanted to see my mom first,just to make sure she wouldnt be too traumatising for me so I waited in the reception.. After a few minutes whilst I was still waiting for Tebo in the reception,a cute yellow bone came to sit next to me. I didnt pay much attention,but after he made eye contact with me,with the hottest smile ever,is when I noticed his sparkly brown eyes and pink lips-Talking a lot of english too..Omg it had been a while since I had seen a guy like this ! He was too friendly bruh! I was kind of shocked he even said hi to me because guys who looked this hot always had big egos and ish. I just introduced myself as Rebaand he told me his name too.. Chad I was smiling like a crazy clown tjo.. Hope he didnt notice. Me-so what are you doing in hospital? Chad-oh I came here to see my dad,but I couldnt because hes in the middle of a surgery Me-ohhh..Im sorry to hear that,hell be fine man Chad-hahaha,oh hes fine..hes aint a patient he works here..Surgeon Me-oh sh*t,my bad! Chad-haha,its cool,so uhm..I have to go right now Me-in a hurry? Chad-yeah,but I still want to know you more..numbers?bbm pin? Me-yeah! Sure,why Not? Chad-cool! Me- I hope you wont just decorate with em Chad-nah dont worry,Im not that guy ;) I gave him both!Ffuucckk!! I had not been this happy in a looong time!! :D I was still blushing when he walked away damn..the guy was just tooo handsom yoh! I was crushing on the nigga within minutes.. Just in time after he left,Tebo walked out from the passage that led to the wards.. she wasnt alone,but with some other man who looked her age..I was confused,I knew all my moms friends,but I didnt recognise this man from any occasion. But seeing Tebo in smiles,I figured my mom was doing good,I then took a closer look at the guy,but he walked out of the entrance before I could remember him..he looked too damn familiar man! Me-Uh,Tebo,whos that guy? O.o Tebo-your mother a re ke a friend,Sean..Ive never seen him before anyway Me-me too.. O.o Teb-never mind that,Good news!,your mommy Is doing a lot of progress Me- what!? Mxm can I see her already!? :D Sean? I know I knew that name from somewhere,but remembering things that happened before I got hit by a car was very hard.but then I was too excited to even care about this Sean character,Tebo took me to mom and wow,she was actually not looking bad..doing Good than I had anticipated :D ...*To Be Continued*....
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 18:09:32 +0000

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