“Check Up From The Neck UP” By Scott and Kathy Evans, - TopicsExpress


“Check Up From The Neck UP” By Scott and Kathy Evans, 10/05/14 Greetings In Jesus Name! Today is Sunday! We made it! Now we just have to purpose in our hearts we are going to do our very best to get ourselves up and gather our families and friends we might have reached during the week into the House Of The Lord. If you have had a week like I’ve had I need a ‘check up’ so I’m going to do my best to be where God is awaiting His Children to gather as He is Our Great Physician and Healer. We may be bringing an emotional or spiritual ‘illness’ before Him as well as a ‘physical’ one as well. I’m going to see my “Doctor” He has the perfect medication for whatever it is that I bring to His Throne. Our Under Shepherd awaits to bring forth what God has given him for us to receive. I pray His Will and Plan for you and I go according to His Perfect Will! Here is my Challenge! Will you join with me in binding all that does not belong in the Body and leave it at the door? Then join with me so that we can be a blessing to one another as this is Truly Pleasing to Him. We are so blessed to have a place to gather and Worship! We are Promised that where we are gathered together in his name HE would be in the midst! ‘roughly quoted’… God is Great and Greatly to be Praised. Pray with me to ask Jesus to give each and everyone of us the strength and desire to go unto the House Of God… Blessings in Jesus Name, Scott and Kathy Evans Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 06:32:51 +0000

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