Cheryl Reynolds, congratulations! You just successfully - TopicsExpress


Cheryl Reynolds, congratulations! You just successfully regurgitated government propoganda! The victor gets to write the history books. Unfortunately, it didnt quite happen that way. The original Freedom of Information Act, was not specifically a law, until 1966. And, as such, though it was mentioned in 1946, did not require public notice that information was available for public consumption. ( Therefore, changes to official government documentation-prior to their release, were commonplace. In 1966, when the law was passed mandating such release, the government resorted to merely blacking out sections that they felt were too incriminating. Why do I say this? I explain this because, the actual dates of many a government criminal action, were changed, to conceal criminal conduct. For example, World War II, wasnt so much of a separate war from World War I. Merely a continuation, separated from a relatively brief hiatus, with exactly the same goals and objectives as Germanys WWI strategy. This strategy was adopted by Germany, from outside sources, who effectively hired Kaiser Wilhelm I, and subsequently, his son Kaiser Wilhem II. An infamous banker family had been using every means available to them, to institute a centralized banking system around the world, except military force. The primary reason for not using military force, was actually two-fold. First, because they dont like to get their hands dirty and didnt have a military force they could use, to enforce their will. Secondly, because they dont want the attention, so they could continue to operate from, behind the scenes, as it were. This family, thus manipulated economic conditions in Germany, to make Germanys leadership more conducive to manipulation, with the ever present carrot dangling always just in front of them. When Kaiser Wilhelm I, figured out what was being done to Germany, he was assassinated. Hence the reason his son took over. Germanys failure to militarily force the capitulation of all countries adoption of a centralized banking system, ended with the surrender of German forces, effectively ending Germanys mission. Or, so the world thought. At the outset of WW I, Germany employed a proven recruiting method (French Foreign Legion recruiting) to build up a strong military, by inviting foreigners to become German citizens, through military service. One of these recruits, came from Austria. A bold, adventure seeking man, who proved his bravery, courage, charisma and intelligence and was subsequently awarded the Iron Cross, Germanys highest award for valor. When Germany was defeated, many (most) of the higher ranking/awarded soldiers that werent executed unceremoniously, were thrown in prison. To include this Austrian Corporal, with his Iron Cross. While in prison, he wrote a book, entitled Mein Kampf (translated: My Struggle). If youve never read it, I suggest you do, because it goes a LONG way to understanding what happened for the next 20 years. This book found its way out of the prison, to be published by a little know publishing company (the only one that would take the chance of printing a book from a war criminal prisoner) and it found its way into the hands of this infamous banker family. This family liked what they read so much, that they ordered this prisoners release, and promptly made him the offer of a lifetime. Not necessarily in that order. If you havent figured out who Im talking about yet, without cheating, then you truly dont know history like you think you do. The man was none other, than Adolf Hitler. And, released in early 1919, with the financial backing of this infamous family, he made a phenominal rise to power in Germany, between 1919 and 1929, achieving the coveted title of Chancellor of election. Funny little fact, Germany was not only an election state, but they also had a law that, to become Chancellor-the highest political office in Germany-one had to be born in Germany. Which, Hitler wasnt. Now, I know that youre wondering about now, What does all of this have to do with what you started to say?! Please, bear with me, youll soon see. Hitler followed precisely in the footsteps of Wilhem II, and pretty much just picked up, where Wilhelm II left off. Europe was still prime for hostile takeover, because none of them had wealthy benefactors, flooding currency into their countries, to rebuild them, so fast, so soon after WW I Germany did. In approximately 1930, one of Hitlers spies returned to Germany, with information that HAD to be delivered first hand, because it couldnt be trusted to any other medium. The information was that the powerful banking family intended to assassinate all of the Nazi leadership, once they had accomplished the task they had been hired for, and this family would then take over, at the top, in this New World Order they had orchestrated. Now, you MUST imagine...Hitler was VERY angry about this. So angry, in fact, that he decided to covertly turn against them, while still receiving finacial backing from them, without their knowledge. At this time, he ordered his military and SS, to start seizing all the treasures (precious metals/gems, art, historical pieces, anything of serious intrinsic value) in order to continue paying his military for as long after this family figured out what he was up to, as possible. Because he knew that, the minute they found out, theyd pull their funding, and do something about him...hence, all of the assassination plots and attempts on Hitlers life, from pre-holocaust efforts. In fact, the holocaust, contrary to popular opinion, was NOT, just Jews. It was anyone and everyone that was suspect of cooperation/sympathizing with the enemy...namely, the bankers family. Now, backing up a little bit, this family was in preparations for creating their New World Order, so far in advance of even World War I, that Russia and France (then, the two least likeliest allies) worked together to develop an easy to handle, effective rifle, to be used by both countries, in combatting Germanys onslaught, well before the start of WW I. This rifle, a Mosin-Nagant 91-.30, was developed by the partnership of a Frenchman (Nagant) and a Russian (Mosin), in 1890, with mass production beginning in 1891. It chambers a 7.62 mm round, also known as a .30 caliber, hence its nomenclature of 91-.30. This is important because, part of the bankers strategy, was to induce an alliance between Germany and Japan, and have Japan attack Russia, to keep them from supporting countries in Europe. Ever hear of the book, All Quiet on the Western Front? Why do you think it was all quiet on the western front? It was because Germany had to consolidate gains in Europe, and didnt want Russia interfering, until they were ready to deal with Russia, having been weakened by Japan-who they knew would never defeat Russia, singlehandedly. I know, please be patient, this is all important. Now, while all of this was going on, the United States was busy too. In 1899, Empress Cixi (of the Qing Dynasty) was approached by this infamous banker family, to adopt their banking system, which Cixi refused. The United States then instigated the Boxer Rebellion and, upon Manchurias adoption of the centralized banking scheme, landed the 7th Marines (known as China Marines), thus abruptly and ruthlessly ending the rebellion on September 7th, 1901. President Mckinley, the 25th president, was assassinated one week later, on September 14th, 1901. Coincidence? Manchuria then became known as China, and essentially, the United states silent partner, and has been, ever since. Now we get to the good part... This is important because, when the banker family figured out what Hitler was up to, they immediately ceased his funding and hightailed it to New York City, to meet with the Rockefellars, Bildeburgs and other influential family heads, to hire the United States as a mercenary army, to put down the mad dog they lost control of. The only problem they had, was...the American people were isolationists, and felt that we had no business getting involved in something that didnt involve us. Remember, the United States had just had the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and was still in the throes of The Great Depression, yet...miraculously, we were suddenly bailed out in approximately 1939-1940. Almost three full years prior to Pearl Harbor. The reason for the turnaround, was because suddenly, our factories went into high gear, funded by the very same people who met in New York City, in 1930. Now I get to tie it ALL together. And trust me, Ive been anxiously awaiting this. This is where the importance of when the Freedom of Information Act, becomes important. In 1931, the United States put a sanction on Japan, for their invasion of Russia. The sanction, denying Japan the vital resources for waging war (oil, coal, steel and iron ore), was engineered to get Japan to attack the United States directly, so that we would have a reason to go to war, that the American People would support. However, it failed, and Japan countered it by raising prices and production on their exports to make enough money to purchase the resources we were denying them. Remember, Japan didnt HAVE these resources, and were dependant on our trade for them. In 1933, the United States imposed an embargo on Japan, instructing all her allies to seize and confiscate Japanese ships, cargos and captains. This too, was engineered to provoke Japan. This too, failed. Japan turned around and invaded Manchuria (China) for the resources. And what do you have to do, when you invade a place for its resources? Wipe out the indigenous population because, theyre not just gonna hand those resources over on a silver platter. So began the slaughter of millions of Chinese, at the hands of Emperor Hirohito and the Japanese Empire. BUT! China was our dirty little secret, and we couldnt very well allow that egg to be crushed, before it matured! Bur, we also coyldnt declare war on Japan-not just because it was supposed to be our dirty little secret, but also because, the American People wouldnt allow another war. So, in 1934, a new federal agency was created, to covertly carry out the will of the United States government, without being tied to it. The Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) was born, headed up by Col. William Wild Bill Donovan (selected by Hoover himself). This agency STILL exists to this day (extra credit if you can name it.) Donovan hired, then Major, Claire Lee Chennault, U.S. Army Air Corps, to organize a civilian company (hence this agencys nicname, The Company) known as Central Aircraft Manufacturing Company (CAMCO) to covertly support the Chinese against the Japanese invasion, by flying Chinese troops, supplies and munitions east, to the Japanese front. When that didnt work, the Japanese were too organized and technologically advanced, the First American Volunteer Group (AVG) was chartered in March of 1939. American military pilots were offered a conditional release from military service, to work for CAMCO. The condition of their contracts was, if the United States ever got into, say...oh, I dont know...a WAR, then they could be recalled into the military. Rather than moving an entire U.S. Army Air Corps Fighter Wing-which WOULD be noticed, they only took the best and the brightest from ALL of the Air Corps. Pilots, crew chiefs, ground crews, administration personnel, refuelers, everything-even cooks! On April 6th, 1941, using Curtiss P-40s, the Flying Tigers jumped a flight of Japanese bombers, headed for Kunming, and decimated them completely, thus commencing U.S. covert hostilities against a foreign power, in a foreign land. The bombers had no escort, because there WAS no fighter defenses to worry about. In fact, China didnt even HAVE an air force, which belies the very idea that the Flying Tigers were the First American Volunteer Group - OF - the Chinese Air Force, because China didnt HAVE an air force. Please note, this date is in heated controversy, because its six months BEFORE, December 7th, 1941. And the FOIA wasnt officially made law, until they could doctor all the paper trails to support their lying story of what THEY say happened. Long after all of the damage had already been done. Know history, not spoon fed propoganda. Hopefully, you can now see similarities to this whole story, in current times...because, the actors and locations have changed, but its the SAME story happening, all over again.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 19:58:33 +0000

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