Chile, 1973: The First 9/11 -- Justice for Chile! No to U.S. - TopicsExpress


Chile, 1973: The First 9/11 -- Justice for Chile! No to U.S. Aggression Against Iraq and Syria Under the Hoax of Fighting Terrorism! September 11, 2014 marks the 41st anniversary of the murderous coup détat carried out by the U.S. in Chile on September 11, 1973. On this occasion, TML Daily sends its heartfelt sympathies to all those who suffered such great losses as a result of that brutal act committed under the auspices of the United States. For 41 years, the U.S. has refused to condemn its own murderous act and the Chilean people are still seeking the justice they deserve. Instead of making itself accountable for the 1973 coup, the U.S. continues to use the same criminal logic to justify what it did to Chile 41 years ago and to declare that the United States will continue to launch attacks against the peoples of any country that it chooses. According to President Obama, the U.S. is the great defender of the rights of the peoples of the world. The people of the world, however, know differently, that ever since the Second World War the U.S. has been striving for world domination, by any means necessary, slaughtering millions of people in its rampage. At the end of the war, the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on a defeated Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, then incited and intervened in a civil war in Korea. The U.S. used chemical and biological warfare against both Korea and Viet Nam and the other Indo Chinese peoples, which killed and maimed countless civilians with the effects still felt today. These past seven decades have included U.S. instigation of one coup détat after another, beginning with the brutal civil war and killings in Greece and culminating with the coup détat in Chile in 1973 and the atrocities conducted under the so-called Operation Condor in the countries of Latin America. It included the dirtiest of dirty wars against Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, and invasions of Grenada and Panama, to name just a few, all justified under the hoax of combating communism and upholding the cause of democracy and peace. Today, the attacks continue, especially on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, again under the hoax of fighting terrorism, when the real terrorists are those sitting in the White House and the monopolies on whose behalf they rule. While the U.S. has for some time been making noises about winding down their protracted occupation of the sovereign state of Iraq, about ten thousand U.S. troops still remain there, not to mention the mercenaries of private contractors who are paid by the imperialists. Now, Obama is talking about sending more forces to Iraq under the hoax of combating a shadowy organization known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Since ISIS is also said to be operating in Syria the world can expect direct U.S. bombing of that country, obviously aimed at bringing about regime change there. Fooling no one, Obama claims that the operation against ISIS is somehow different from the U.S. invasions of Iraq in 1991 and 2003, and is rather being carried out in the interests of protecting U.S. and Iraq citizens, as if the U.S. ever cared about anything but pursuing its own private interests. The origins of ISIS remain obscure but some suggest that, similar to Al Qaeda, it has been organized, financed, and armed by the U.S. and its allies. Key members of ISIS were trained by CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, according to Jordanian officials. The financial backing for ISIS reportedly also comes from three close U.S. allies, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Details leaking out suggest that ISIS and the new military surge in Iraq, as well as the new plan for Syria, are controlled by the U.S. as the next stage in spreading chaos in Iraq, as well as weakening the recent efforts to stabilize Syria. One aspect of this is U.S. support for the Kurdish forces, likely with the intention of bringing about an independent Kurdish state. The formation of such a state would further break up Iraq and create an ally of the U.S. and Israel in the heart of the Middle East. To no ones surprise, Canadas flunky Prime Minster, Stephen Harper, has just declared that because Obama asked him personally, Canada will also be sending special forces to Iraq on what Harper calls both moral and pragmatic grounds. About 70 Canadian special forces soldiers will join the U.S. forces serving as so-called advisors to the Kurdish forces battling ISIS. Harper is arguing that Canada is obliged to help stop ISIS because it is a training ground for terrorists who could attack Canada, an eerie echo of the main U.S. excuse for invading Afghanistan. Harpers hypocrisy concerning terrorism is clearly shown by his unqualified support for the state terrorism of Israel, recently responsible for the deaths of thousands of Palestinians, mainly civilians, in the attacks on Gaza. At the same time, he is clearly following in the footsteps of his governing predecessors, for example, in 1973, Canadas ambassador to Chile spoke favourably of the coup détat in Chile in cables back to Ottawa. The criminal logic of Obama and Harper to argue the righteousness of attacking Iraq and Syria and intervening in other countries internal affairs against all norms of international law, reminds us of what the Chilean people were subjected to 41 years ago. Just as today Obama and Harper are presenting criminal logic to justify attacking Iraq and Syria, on September 11, 1973, such criminal logic was used to unleash the U.S.-backed military coup to overthrow the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende and bring in the brutal dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. This date is known throughout Latin America and the Caribbean as the first 9/11. With Santiago de Chiles soccer stadium converted into a holding pen, people were rounded up and massacred. At the Moneda Presidential Palace the constitutional President Salvador Allende was killed. Crimes against the Chilean people extended throughout the years of Pinochets rule and beyond Chiles borders even to Washington, DC itself. The military junta led by Pinochet, with the full support of the U.S., ran Chile officially and unofficially for the next 25 years. Clearly exposing the U.S. role in the Chilean coup, an October 1970 cable to CIA operatives in Chile from then U.S. National Security Advisor Henry Kissingers Track Two group states: It is firm and continuing policy that [the democratically elected government of] Allende be overthrown by a coup.... We are to continue to generate maximum pressure toward this end utilizing every appropriate resource. It is imperative that these actions be implemented clandestinely and securely so that the USG [United States Government] and American hands be well hidden. Forty-one years after the coup in Chile, the U.S. continues to organize and back violent coups détat throughout the Latin American region as it did recently in Honduras. There was the 2004 coup against Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. There was also the coup attempt the U.S. instigated against President Rafael Correa of Ecuador in 2010 and the coup carried out against President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay in 2012. Today, the U.S. is continuing to blockade and try to subvert revolutionary Cuba and to cultivate and finance its fifth-column within Venezuela to overthrow the Bolivarian Revolution, including the short-lived 2002 coup against President Hugo Chávez. These are just a few recent examples. On this occasion, TML remembers the victims of the Pinochet regime and Operation Condor. To this day, relatives of the victims are fighting to bring the perpetrators of these crimes to justice. In Chile and around the world, peace- and justice-loving people are marking the anniversary with fierce determination that such crimes must never again be permitted. In Chile, people continue to demonstrate by holding up photographs of family members abducted or killed by the state. This is a strong reminder to step up the struggle today against the crimes the U.S. is committing and planning on committing against Iraq and Syria under the hoax of fighting the terrorism which it covertly supports. The September 11, 1973 U.S.-backed coup détat in Chile was a heinous act of U.S. state terrorism, which the U.S. is openly telling the entire world it will commit yet again against the people of Iraq and Syria. It must not pass! All out to avenge the people of Chile by prohibiting such an attack on the peoples of Iraq and Syria! Justice for Chile! Hands Off Iraq and Syria!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 01:17:09 +0000

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