Chinese business consists of way too much puke, tears, and - TopicsExpress


Chinese business consists of way too much puke, tears, and terrible singing. It was the one year anniversary celebration since our grand opening at the kindergarten and it started with dinner with 25 of my workmates and about 45 dishes. (I was of course seated at the boss table with the owners and investors) Its customary to constantly toast each-other throughout the dinner, so I cant count how many bottles of wine and Baijiu (Chinese liquor) we went through. By the end of dinner my boss was hysterically crying on my shoulder about how Im going to leave next year and she doesnt know how they will manage without me bc she thinks theres no way theyll find anyone that can manage half the stuff I do (which is probably true). Then, at the neighboring table, two of the advertisement girls (who are best friends) got into an obnoxiously high pitched drunken fight which culminated in them holding each-other and sobbing endlessly-seriously, it lasted the rest of the night until one of them fell asleep later at the bar. Left the restaurant, and had to hold up coworkers on each side of me to get to KTV, a karaoke bar that everyone goes to in China that gives you your own private room. Much sobbing and stumbling later we arrived. Of course we got one of their spiffiest and largest rooms bc the boss in China has to flaunt his wealth at every opportunity. The next couple hours consisted of basically every female on our staff either crying, or throwing up all over the place, or both; including my boss who started again and my TA who threw up just from seeing people throw up while I sat at the back of the room, unfazed, with the entire fruit tray to myself, eating calmly and watching the chaos unfold. Oh, China....
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 15:39:50 +0000

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