Christiana Jatta my sister i salute you. I pray this brave act of - TopicsExpress


Christiana Jatta my sister i salute you. I pray this brave act of yours inspires Christians and all decent Gambians to stand up to this menace. This is what I call a campaign of terror against Christians in the Gambia.This kind of disrespect and marginalization of Christians is disheartening. We may only be 10% percent of the population or less, but even if we were only 0.1% in the country, we still exist and are here to stay. There is not a sector of development in our country that our finger print as Christians is not on. We are key stakeholders for Gods sake, why are we been treated as though we do not exist. Please Gambia do unto others as you would like them do unto you. There might be a few of us who do not know their and so are easily swayed by people like Dr. Zakir, They do not define Christians in the Gambia. There is a remnant, a good number of us who are as passionate, convicted and zealous, if not more that than Dr Zakir and his cohort. Therefore when one casually says Gambia should become and Islamic Republic and hopes Christians convert to Islam, it just shows they do not get the full picture. It will take more than mere wishes to wipe out Christianity in the Gambia. It will probably take chopping all of our heads like ISIS is doing to Christians and other minorities in the middle east. I have bad news for those of you who wish Christianity does not exist in our country. We are here to stay. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, it is with a heavy heart that I am writing and I have been greatly disturbed since the unfolding of this Dr. Zakir fiasco. Yes, as Christians we have been called to be tolerant, respectful and to love but one thing we have not been called to is to be cowards. Scripture tells us that God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. The bible also tells us that we should with love be ready to give and answer to anyone who asks us the reason for the hope we have, in other words the reason for our faith. Among other things, this is a question we are been asked right now. Why we are Christians, why not we all be Muslims? It is my prayer that God will raise men and women like Christiana Jatta, to rise up to the challenge.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 13:25:12 +0000

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