Christianity is the most popular religion in the world and, given - TopicsExpress


Christianity is the most popular religion in the world and, given what Jesus said, this is kind of surprising. I mean if all you knew of it was these words of His, Deny yourself (of not only comforts and pleasures but, at times, of necessities!), take up your cross (for your sins and the sins of the world) and follow Me! That is bad enough but, think about where He was going - Calvary! Why was He going there? Well, to suffer and die. And, of course, Jesus meant for us to follow Him there. Why have so many answered the call? Because they know from personal experience (like King David) that Gods love Is better than life! The cost is great but the reward is infinitely greater! Also, with clear eyes, we understand that we are on a sinking ship: our lives will end, we suffer the ravages (like a disease) of sin, the world will (one day) end and, of course, there is an eternal punishment for those who did not choose, accept and receive Gods forgivness. We must not forget that Jesus also promises us something for doing all He says - that we can follow HIM - BE with Him. That He will be with us throughout our lives, loving, caring for and blessing us. He said, I have come that you might have Life and have it more abundantly! Jesus promises us Peace, Joy and Love - HERE AND NOW! - and an eternity of Bliss hereafter. A saying attributed to Jesus goes, I never promised it would be easy but did promise it would be worth it! Jesus didnt say these exact words but said the essence of them at various times. Lets follow Him - be with Him. This will make our mortal life rich with joy and love as well as give us an eternity of everlasting wonder and love. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 23:39:49 +0000

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