Christians & Pagans I agree with you we have been on this - TopicsExpress


Christians & Pagans I agree with you we have been on this campaign to inform the christian church that we as pagans are open to there views but not there text or interpolations on the bible. Here is why We know for a fact that the bible was made in those times as a way of controlling some one. This breaks the the universal understanding of Harm None. and for me it also does not let someone have free choice. We love all and respect there views but when you try to use it to control another calling them devil or Satan or Sinner or Devil or Evil Spirit you are trying to control some one we are not happy about this and reject it. We understand that the bible was made in the catholic church as i said before. at that time they could not keep people inside the church so they adopted our Sabots Yule and Ostara and a few others to get them to to stay in the church. Now once they then used the book of the dead from Egypt and changed the text to what we know now as the ten commandments. again to control or outlaw some things that they did not see fit for there religion witch is fine if you follow that religion. We then have some Christians slandering pagans about what we follow casting judgment and convicting them as sinners and devils. We are on this campaign to tell all Christians and pagans we are the same in some aspects. We both believe you should love all with out judgment and conviction. Its OK they believe in there own ways but when you use it to harm another by trying to control them We have a problem. It says in there bible that you should show gods love to all ! Trying to put them up on a cross or burn them at the stake because we have different views is not showing Gods Love! So we are reaching out to the christian community more to have a open mind about our paths to accept our views just like they have accepted the Hindi Buddhists or any other religion of the world. I see that we can co exist but only if they truly accept us for who we are with out judgment or conviction. There is a christian who is like minded and she started this campaign about a year ago. I have joined with her as a pagan to Stop The Hate Judgment and conviction of pagans and our beliefs We can work together to show the light and love and peace to the world around us. You can see that video on my Google+ Profile feel free to join my circle. Yes we are not the same the pagan community and the Christians but we can stop this finger pointing and work to show Love Peace and Harmony after 3,000 years. It all starts by accepting us for who we are as pagans. Stop the slandering of our belief systems and rituals and work more toward the acceptance of the Pagan Community! Show Gods Love We are very educated in our ways we do not need some one trying to force there beliefs on us. Have a understanding that you have your way of speaking to a deity and we have ours we accept them for who they are and we ask for the same. Love and light always be with you )O( Rev.Rave God Aspect - Do i believe there is one god or goddess as a whole? Not relay I believe all the gods are individuals but all are equal. What i mean by this any and all deitys should be respected. There is no one god or goddess greater then another. the universe around us does not work as a whole universal body at all times there are times when thing happen in individual places of time. The translation of creator is deity can one creator control all things at once. I dunno if they could, there would be only a few from each if that was the case but there are a lot of them and not all are the same. Example Diana The goddess of the hunt. and Venus the goddess of love. Does it matter witch one you turn too. Brigid the goddess of fire or Neptune the god of the sea and water. I think it depends on how you are trying to direct your energy all have there ways of doing things.So i see them as a universal body of the whole not one god or goddess controls all. Every belief system as there creation story. I would like to believe that all works as one rather then one controls all.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 08:44:54 +0000

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