Christians and Jews condemning Islam as if they are somehow - TopicsExpress


Christians and Jews condemning Islam as if they are somehow different or better...heres a news flash for American Christians and Jews: These are YOUR brethren, they are the same as you. The same god who sent its messengers to terrorize Paris, sent some here to terrorize the LGBT, pagan and other nonAbrahamic groups, athiests, and anybody not sucking its dogma out of its ass. The giant pink elephant in the room, the lowest common denominator in this kind of evil is almost always god.. How about raising your standards? The god of Abraham is a murderous asshole, so why does anybody expect anything else out of its followers. I call terrorism TYPICAL behavior from the Abrahamics. And Im calling out American Christians because terrorism comes in many forms...including you wont go to my heaven because its reserved for my church followers, and gay is an abomination and women are subservient to males and babies born out of wedlock are bastards to name a few. Think your way out if this hellish hole youve jumped into and stop trying to convert those of us who know how to LOVE and LIVE in a much better, nonterror, inclusive way. We will be OVERJOYED to lead you out of the nightmare biblical darkness of the Abrahamic religions.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 17:57:50 +0000

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