Christmas and the Last DaysWhat does Christmas, the Nativity, have - TopicsExpress


Christmas and the Last DaysWhat does Christmas, the Nativity, have to do with the Last Days? This may surprise you, but the answer is everything.You may have heard me say before that we will never understand the Second Coming of Christ until we understand His First Coming. What happened in His First Coming is replayed, recapitulated, in His Second Coming. When Jesus was born, the Roman emperor was Caesar Augustus – formerly Octavius. He was the first Roman emperor to be deified in his lifetime. Thus there was a Roman emperor presiding over the Roman Empire and being worshiped as a god when Jesus arrived the first time. This emperor took a census, ascribing numbers to people – not actually putting numbers on them, but ascribing one to every person in the known world. There were actually two censuses taken by Augustus, both for this purpose: that he might gain financial control of the world. When Jesus comes back, the same thing will happen: we will have a resurrected Roman Empire headed by someone who is virtually deified. This demi-god will number peoples heads in order to economically control the world. What happened at Jesus First Coming will happen again at His Second. Christmas is not just a past event; it is a future event, a prophetic event.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:38:46 +0000

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