Chupulu kalisina subhavela august 24 WU : August Episode Written - TopicsExpress


Chupulu kalisina subhavela august 24 WU : August Episode Written Update Episode starts with Shyam giving medicines to Anjali. He remembers how he had changed medicines. Anjali says she made something for their baby and she plans to show that to Shyam but at the same time, someone rings the door bell. Shyam and Anjali get worried. Shyam says to Anjali, you told me everyone went to temple right. Anjali says, yes they did but I didn’t know they will be back this fast. At the door, everyone is wondering why no one is opening. At least servant should have been at home. Pavani then says that she got an extra key. Inside home, Anjali says what if they have keys. Shyam says don’t worry, it could be someone else. He goes upstair and Pavani opens the door. Anjali says that she came to open door just now. Pavani says don’t worry, I had extra key. Anjali is sweating and Manorama asks her what happened. Anjali changes topic and asks where is Arjun. Aakash says, he went to office for some work. Dadi then sees two cups of tea and asks if any guest came. Anjali says, first time it was not good so I made again. And then Anjali says that she is not feeling well. Aakash is about to call doctor but Anjali says no need for doctor. They take Anjali to her room. Anjali is very worried and searching for Shyam. Shyam signals her that he will manage. Anjali tells everyone that she will sleep now so everyone leaves the room. Break 1.. At indhu’s house, Garima is telling indhu’s father that she can’t go in front of Dadi. She says the mistake that she did is in front of her today. She says that she didn’t want to lie back then and doesn’t want to lie this time either. She says, indhu is my sister’s daughter but I loved her like my real daughter and today, I am ready to do anything for her happiness no matter for that if we have to…. indhu’s father moves his hand and says he understands. M.mati and indhu are back to home now. indhu calls Garima out. Garima comes out and takes out the bags and says she is going somewhere. M mati asks where. Garima says there is a camp outside Vizag and she is going there for a week. They have cured many patients like indhu’s father. Mmati says this is good but why don’t you understand.. it’s indhu’s marriage . Garima tells indhu, I can’t miss this big opportunity. indhu says, I understand. At Rayudu house. Anjali is thinking about calling Shyam and she wonders what if Dadi goes to her room as Shyam is hiding in Dadi’s room. Everyone has gone to drink tea but still Anjali is worried. Anjali says this is the right time to take Shyam out of Dadi’s room and she goes there. As soon as she opens the door, she sees Pavani with a doctor. Pavani takes Anjali back inside her room. Dadi finds some phone on the floor. In Dadi’s room, Shyam thinks about calling Anjali but he doesn’t have his phone. At indhu’s house. M mati says she also wants to see indhus father normal as before. She then says she will go with him as indhus mother should be in her marriage. Garima says, no and says that she must stay with indhu’s father. indhu then says that she will tell Arjun to postpone the marriage. Garima says that she doesn’t want indhu’s marriage to be postponed. indhu is sad as her parents won’t be in her marriage. Mmati says, I am there na.. why are you getting sad? Mmati tells Garima, before you go at least meet Arjun’s family. Dadi was upset as she couldn’t meet you. Garima says she can’t meet as she has train in the evening. Mmati says then at least call her. Garima says, ok but before that let me pack my bags. At Rayudu house. Doctor asks Anjali if she’s taking care of herself. Anjali says, I am taking medicines regularly that you gave. Doctor says but they have no effect on you and asks her to stop taking those medicines. Doctor says, in fact you look weaker than before and says she will give her new medicines. Doctor then tells everyone to keep Anjali as happy as possible. Doctor leaves. Anjali is searching for Shyam. Pavani asks Anjali if she wants anything. Anjali says no and Pavani leaves. Break 2.. Everyone in living room. Dadi says that doctor is right. We should keep her happy. Dadi then says that they should do Anjali’s rasam. Nani says that she thinks they should keep both indhu’s mehendi’s rasam and Anjali’s godh bharai rasam together. Nani says that way Anjali will be very happy. Nani then tells Pavani to tell her parents and Mmati. At indhu’s house. indhu is sad and sitting alone. Garima comes there and asks her to take off her earings. She then gives her new ones and indhu is happy now. Garima says that her mother gave her and she wanted to give them to indhu on her marriage day but.. indhu says, don’t worry I will wear them in my marriage. Garima says that she is happy because indhu found very nice guy. Garima then asks indhu to promise her that she won’t be sad in her marriage. indhu promises her. Garima says, you look like your mother in this earings, very beautiful. They hug and episode ends. Precap: SC asks Anjali, why are you looking so worried? Anjali then asks where is Dadi. SC says she is downstairs. Anjali then sees Dadi going to her room and gets worried.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 13:56:07 +0000

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