Church people have a right to know the real spiritual truth about - TopicsExpress


Church people have a right to know the real spiritual truth about these man made churches. Real testimony Real prophetic truths. this message not a joke before the Lord and his Christ. To All Christ believers, Truth about man made churches around the world. Millions believe the lie, but only few will believe the love of the truth Matt 7:13-15; Matt 24:24. These prophecies are of no private interpretation 2 Peter 1:20. My testimony on video is all REAL. I am the witness in seeing the beast ascended out of the bottomless pit and in spiritual perdition right NOW. This perdition according to prophecy is 42 months. Once spiritual perdition ends Rev 11:9-13, then beast goes to religious leader in Rome Dan 8:23-25; 9:26-27>Dan 8:9-11>Rev 17:8,11;Dan 8:23. the word of God is spiritual. the prophecies of Revelation 11 is all happening in the spirit realm. God sent me spiritually into the great city Rev 11:8. I saw my own spiritual body go into the earth after God anointed me in the river of life. When the spiritual perdition ends (42 months) and then beast goes to the religious leader in Rome (Rev 17:11), then all churches of Catholics, Christian, Mormons, Jehovah witnesses on earth shall fall under the rule of the anti christ Rev 9:4,15-16> Joel 2:2-10;Dan 8:23; Rev 16:14; Rev 18:2-3;Luke 21:34-35. This is happening in the spirit realm Matt 24:37-39; Luke 21:34-35. I am not playing games. this is REAL prophecy. I am the real witness according to Revelation 11:3,7. As I send my testimony and messages by the power and anointing of the one true Living God and his Christ, I truly see peoples spirits in these churches in the Great City which is spiritually called, Sodom and Egypt. Then comes Joel 2:28-29; Rev 7:2>3; Rev 7:9>14, then comes Great Tribulation Joel 2:1-10. In Ezekiel 8 & 9 the sealing of God happens first to those that leave the temples of God and weep. then the destroyer is sent starting in the temples of God (man made churches). The true sealing of God’s Spirit 1 John 2:26-27>Heb 8:10-11. The beast is the little horn Dan 8:9, the false lord Rev 17:8; Luke 4:5,9>matt 24:15>Is 14:12-14>Dan 8:10-11;Rev 17:8-Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Harlots abominations of the earth is mother catholic church in Rome AND ALL churches of the earth. These churches are Catholics, Christians, Mormons, Jehovah witnesses that are planted around the world Rev 17:15; Rev 12:9. All these churches spiritually connected to mother in Rome and the great city Rev 17:18; Rev 11:8. All churches have same roots as mother in Rome- ministers, priests(host), choir, music, instruments, souls of men, the bride and groom and many more Dan 8:12-13; Rev 18:22-24>Rev 6:9-11. There are two identical strait gates Matt 7:13 / Matt 7:14 Two men hearing word of God and build a house Matt 7:24-25; Matt 25:4 / Matt 7:26-27; Matt 25:3. Two image of man Dan 2:31-32/ 1Cor 12:12-13,18. Two altars Rev 11:1; Heb 9:24;Rev 5:6 / Heb 9:1, 11 Two temples Luke 21:5-6; Rev 18:22-23;Matt 24:1-4;Lam 4:12 / John 2:18-19;2 Peter 1:13-14;Heb 8:2; Heb 9:11. Two kingdoms: Fourth kingdom thru works of mans hands Dan 7:11,23,25-26;Dan 8:22-25; Zep3:8; Hag 2:22; Jer 20:5;Isa 24:22;Matt 4:8;Matt 7:22;Luke 4:5. Everlasting kingdom of Christ thru the Spirit of God w/o mans hands 1 Chron 17:11,14; Dan 2:35, 44-45; Dan7:22,27;John 4:23-24; Rev 21:1-3; Luke 17:20-24; Col 3:1-4; Heb 8:1-2; Eph 2:20-22;Rom 2:28-29;Col 3:1-3 Philip 3:3,9-11;Rom 2:29;Gal 5:24; 1Peter 4:1-2. Two vineyards- Isa 5:3-5; Jer 2:21;Matt 21:33-39; Rev 14:18-19>Matt 13:30 / Matt 26:29; John 15:1, 4-5;James 3:12; Isa 55:1 (clusters means a number of things of the same kind, growing or held together; a bunch like an assemble, congregation) Two kinds of kings of the earth: the wheat Rev 1:5-6; Rev 5:10; Rev 21:24. the tares Hsa 8:4>Rom2:28; Ps 2:2>Acts 4:26; Jer 2:26;Jer 32:32;Rev 6:15;Rev 16:14 Rev 17:10,18; Isa 24:21;Rev 19:18>Rev 13:16; Rev 11:7>Dan 8:24> Dan 8:12>Rev 17:13>Rev19:19 Two Great Cities Gal 4:25-27; Rev 11:8; Rev 21:1,10 Two lords: True Lord-Ps 80:17;Isa 40:10-11>John 1:18;49:7;Luke 1:69,And has raised up an HORN of salvation for us in the house of his servant David ; Rev19:12-13; 1Ti 6:15; Is 52:10. False lord- Rev 17:8; Dan 7:21,25; Dan 8:9,11,And out of one of them came forth a LITTLE HORN, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land; Yes, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the sanctuary was cast down; Matt 7:21-22;24:24 All religious church buildings of worship that represent the name of God and his word are Rev 11:2 and Dan 8:10-11> Luke 21:24; Matt 24:15,24. This is Ezek 8:3 outer court of God’s heavenly temple, then in Ezek 8:12 refers to religious man made buildings representing the name of God. Notice the word, Chambers this fits description of man made churches on earth Matt 24:26; Ezek 9:6>Rev 9:4. This is where all man made churches proclaim peace but there is no peace Dan 8:25>1 thess 5:3> 2 thess 2:7,9>Matt 24:24-26> Dan 11:45>Luke 4:5-6,9Rev 13:18> Dan 8:12>Is 14:17>Rev 13:2>Rev17:8! This is real prophecy! Fulfillment of the gentiles are man made churches on earth Luke 21:24>Rev 11:2;Luke 4:5; Is 14:13>Dan 8:10-11;Matt 13:27-28;24:24;Matt 7:21-22, 24-27; 2 Thess 2:3,7,9. Mark of beast is spiritual because in Rev 9, these things will seek out believers of the bible on earth which are the tares and the wheat Matt 7:21-22;Matt 7:24-27; Matt13:25> Matt 24:24. Spiritual mark of the beast comes from false teachings of churches of Catholics, Christians, Mormons, and Jehovah Witnesses Rev 18:23>2 Cor 11:13-15; Is 9:6>2 Thess 2:3-4;Matt 24:24; Rev 13:8,18; Rev 16:14> 1 Tim 4:1-2>Rev 18:2>Rev 17:14>Ps 2:2-5>Rev 19:19,21>Joel 2:11> Matt 24:29. People in churches will be spiritually infected by plagues and become the army of the beast, false lord 2 Thess 2:9-10>Rev 13:16-17;Joel 2:2>Joel 1:6>Rev 9:8; Rev 9:9>Joel 2:4-5; Rev 9:15;Rev 16:14; Rev 19:19>Rev 6:15-17. Look at Matt 7:21-22 then Rev 19:12, Christ is given a NEW name and no man knows this name. Therefore the beast is removed in spiritual battle because it has no power over the new name of Christ nor do the man made churches around the world, which follow the false lord Rev 17:8>Dan 7:8>Dan 8:11>Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:4. Many believers come out of the man made churches Rev 15:2-3; 18:4-5; Dan 12:7; John 11:52. Truth about left behind and the rapture- There is no left behind or rapture before or during Great Trib Matt 24:29; 2 peter 3:10. Word of God says Christ will remove beast and false prophet in spirit realm first Joel 2:11>2 thess 2:8-9>Rev 19:20-21>Dan 7:11;8:25. this ends Great Trib Joel 2:10-11; Rev 19:15,20; Dan 8:25;2 Thess 2:8.During spiritual battle signs appear in the heavens Joel 2:10>Joel... 3:14-15;Rev 8:12. Then Christ appears in natural realm and all eyes shall see him including those rising from the graves Rev 1:7; Dan 12:2,13;Matt 26:62-64; John 5:28-29. When beast and false prophet are removed then comes all nations against Israel Rev 11:1,18; 20:8-9; Dan 12:1. This event happening in spirit and earthly realm. Then God removes the devil Rev 20:10. God sends his son with consuming fire behind him Rev 20:9; 2 peter 3:10>1 thess 5:2;Matt 3:12;Dan 2:35; Dan 7:10. the sign of Christ coming Matt 24:29- verse 30 is verse 27; Joel 2:31;Rev 6:12-14;Rev 20:9. Then Christ appears in natural realm Acts 1:11. 1 Cor 15:24-27 comes to pass. Then death and hell give up the dead Dan 12:2;John 5:28-29; 1 Cor 15:54-55;Rev 20:13. many rise from graves into their sinful flesh. many alive stay in sinful flesh Matt 24:40-41. many rise from graves into incorruptible body of Christ Luke 24:39,44-46;Is 26:19;Rom 4:24;6:9;8:11. many alive transfigured into incorruptible body of Christ 1 Cor 15:51-52;Matt 17:2,9;24:31;Rev 14:14-16. All happening as Christ appears and coming towards earth Rev 6:13-14; 2 peter 3:10. In front of Christ dead are rising from graves and behind Christ is the fire of God consuming all flesh and the earth 1 Cor 15:50; Rev 14:17-19. This event happens very quickly. There will be no earth or flesh left behind 2 peter 3:10. The beast and false prophet and the old serpent, and death and hell are in the lake of fire. All people are dead and standing before the throne of God Rev 20:11-12; Dan 7:10. Chosen people of God are gathered by Spirit of God into body of Christ at his appearing Is 26:19;40:31; John 17:24; Matt 24:27-28,31,33; Mark 13:27; 2 thess 2:1;matt 25:10;John 10:2,7; Luke 17:37; john 2:21; rom 8:23;12:5. These are the elect of grace that come out or stay away from man made churches around the world. They are sealed during outpouring of Gods Spirit and come out of Great Tribulation ready for the coming of the son of man Matt 24:29-30:Rev 7:14;Matt 25:10; Joel 2:32; Dan 12:7,10>Matt 11:52. Seek God in prayer for the truth. I did hear my testimony on video just Google Christ testimony of the churches around the world Testing all spirits 1 John 4:2-3, test seducing spirits 1 Tim 4:1-2; Rev 18:2-3, 23. These lying seducing spirits are in the churches Rev 18:2...don’t be fooled they are in every single church building around the world Rev 16:14. Test believers of the bible which are the tares in the churches of the false lord Rev 16:15; matt 7:15-20; Matt13:24-30;Dan 9:26-27. Acts 13:26; This is the word of salvation sent to the Jews and Gentiles- God sent his only begotten son and raised him from the dead on the third day Acts 13:26-30. The death of Jesus Christs body on the tree destroyed ALL works of the devil and ALL works of the flesh Gal 3:13-14. the body of sin was destroyed when God raised his son from the dead on the third day Heb 2:14-15. Truly, truly, I say to you, He that hears my word, and believes on him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death to life. Truly, truly, I say to you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live Eph 2:8-9 Gal 5:22-23. The operation of God for spiritual circumcision John 3:5-8; John 1:13; John 17:2; John 4:23-24. Becoming a Jew inwardly Rom 2:29; Heb 8:10-12. Many scriptures in Bible added and taken away Rev 22:18-19; Daniel 7:25; 2 Thess 2:9-10. The bible and Torah are testimonies John 5:39; Luke 24:44 There are no other books or teachings outside of the bible or Torah. This is referring to the many published books, and many translations of the Bible and Torah Dan 7:25; Dan 8:24-25; Mark7:13; Acts 4:12. Take a look at Isaiah 9:6 KJV it was written incorrectly. And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of anti christ, where of you have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world 2 John 1:7. Churches for many generations teach Isaiah 9:6KJV- 2 Thess 2:4>Isaiah 14:12-13>Luke 4:5-6;Rev 13:18>Dan 8:11-12>2 Cor 11:13-15. The image that is worshiped in the churches is man at the pulpit Rev 13:18; Dan 8:12;Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:4. The Torah Isaiah 9:5 is correct scripture from the Spirit of God declaring his son, The Prince of Peace thru the prophet Isaiah: For a child has been born to us, a son given to us, and the authority is upon his shoulder, and the wondrous adviser, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, CALLED HIS NAME, the prince of peace. 2 Sam 7:12-13. Here is another scripture 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: Christ, the SON OF GOD was manifest in the flesh, justified by the Spirit of God, seen of angels, proclaimed to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. John 5:23,That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honors not the Son honors not the Father which has sent him. Jesus Christ came in the flesh Gal 4:4;Rom 8:3;John 1:14;John 6:51;Rom 1:3; 8:3; 1 Cor 1:29;Heb 2:12;5:7. Christ is the image of the invisible God Col 1:15. Christ is not God. The one true living God is a Spirit. God is not a man Num 23:19; John 4:23-24.   Christ manifested in the flesh (Fulfilled) John 1:14 John 1:30 John 1:6 John 1:33-34 Hebrews 1:1-2 Hebrews 2:14 Hebrews 2:...16 Hebrews 5:7 1John 1:1-3 Christ justified by the Spirit of God (Fulfilled) John 5:32,36-37 Acts 2:22 Acts 10:38 John 14:10 Isaiah 53:10-11 Romans 3:25-26 Romans 8:30 Romans 8:33 1Peter 3:18 Hebrews 10:12 1Timothy 2:5-6 Seen of Angels (Fulfilled) Luke 2:15 Luke 2:17-18 Proclaim to the gentiles (Fulfilled) Matt 4:13-16; Matt 24:14; Acts 28:28 Believed on in the world (Fulfilled) Matt 24:14 Received up into glory (Fulfilled) John 16:28 Acts 1:9-11
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:55:24 +0000

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