Church yedu inoti..,.(Part 2) heeee isu church yedu hairambidze - TopicsExpress


Church yedu inoti..,.(Part 2) heeee isu church yedu hairambidze zvakati, heeee isu church yedu inobvuma zvakati nezvekuti,,,,ko iro Bible rinomboti kudiiko concerning that same thing chinonzi neChurch hachina basa or chine basa. what does the Bible say? Church yedu inoti zvakati…..ehe izvozvo tazvinzwa but Bible rinoti kudii? its time you tell people about what the Bible says and not what your church doctrine says. The only way to be sure kuti iyi church doctrine iyi haizi yasatan, is to compare it with what the Bible teaches,,,,compare zvataurwa naPastor against what the Bible teaches, ukangoona zvichipesana chibva waziva kuti pane kwazviri kubva izvi kusiri kuna Mwari. for example, Jesu aitaura kuti Ari supposed kufa & nezuva rechi 3 omuka, that was The will of His Father, but ndipo paunonzwa Peter achiti aiwa muri mwana waMwari, hamungafe….meaning kuti satan kubudikdza naPeter aitoda kupikisa mission yaJesu yekuenda pamuchinjikwa…ndokusaka Jesu akakurumidza kuzvibata kuti uyu ndisatan chete asingade kuti ndizadzise zvandakavinga, ndipo pakabva panzi get behind me satan. Church doctrine haifanire kupesana nezvinotaura Mwari muBible, zvikangodaro chete then im sorry to say this, but that church doctrine is leading you to hell. Iye Mwari achitii usapfugamire chiumbwa (an idol) Exodus 20:5 but wonzwa church doctrine ichiti tinofara kupfugamirwa chiumbwa. Unonyatsoona kuti apa tirikuda kubviswa pana Mwari. Jesu akabvunza vafarisi pana Matthew 15:3 “Ko, imi munotyorerei murayiro waMwari nokuda kwetsika dzenyu? Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? Jesu aida kunyatsoziva the reason why maPharisees vachikoshesha tsika dzavo dzekunamata yandingati doctrine more than what GOD commanded. Dear reader, rega kukoshesha doctrine yekwaunopinda more than zvinodzidzisa Bible. Colossians 2:8 yoti Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, AFTER THE TRADITION OF MEN, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (Muone kuti parege kuva nomunhu anokutapai nokutaura kusina maturo kunonyengera, kunosendamira patsika dzavanhu uye nezvokuvamba kwenyika ino, asingateveri Kristu) Ipo patsika dzevanhu ndipo paneNyaya ipapa….traditions of men ndidzo dzarasisa vanhu nekuti dzavakukosheswa kupfura Bible. Iro Bible richiti kuna Muparidzi (ecclesiastes) 9:5-6 ...vakafa havana kana chavanoziva,havasisina kana mubayiro, nokuti zvose zvingayeukwa nezvavo zvakanganwika. Uyewo, rudo rwavo nokuvenga kwavo negodo ravo zvakatoparara,+havasisinazve mugove nokusingagumi pazvose zvinofanira kuitwa pasi pezuva.... but ndipo paunoona church doctrine ichiti kana munhu afa later on tinoita a ceremony yekuti tinoda kudeidza mweya wemufi kuti auye achengete mhuri yake. Ahhh, iro Bible richiti havasisina kana mubayiro, there have no reward, Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished……but wonzwa church doctrine ichitit tinoda kuti mufi auye achengete mhuri, you clearly see kuti izvi zvirikupesana neBible,,,kupi kumba kwaanouya iyeye asisina chaari kuziva. Job 7:9-10 says who goes down to the grave does not return. He will never come to his house again; his place will know him no more....rabuda pachena Bible kuti mushakabvu will never come to his house again, but wonzwa church ichiti kana munhu afa anodzoka semudzimu kuzochengeta musha wake. 2 Timothy 3:16 inoti All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:…….. Rugwaro rwose (Bible) rwakafemerwa naMwari uye runobatsira paDoctrine,,,urikuibata here verse iyi, Bible ndiro rinobatsira paDoctrine, we use the Bible to come up with sound doctrine and not the other way round, we don’t use our church doctrines to come up with the Bible but we use the Bible to come up with church doctrines. zvazvinoreva ndezvekuti mukangoona church doctrine ichipesana nedzidziso yeBible what it means is that doctrine iyoyo haina kubva muBible but kunasatan. (part 3 coming
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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