Cited from the Blog-spot of a committed Zionist: France has - TopicsExpress


Cited from the Blog-spot of a committed Zionist: France has rebuilt itself. Alone in Europe, has increased its fertility and produced a new crop of Jacobins singing A les Armes, Citoyens! Contrary to the nightmares sold on the hbdsphere, Far from disappearing and dying, France is larger, younger and more aggressive than ever and has sent a thousand soldiers to re-colonize a blank spot on the map marked as the non-existent Central African Republic. Laurent Fabrius explains to Le Monde: « Il sagit darrêter la catastrophe en République centrafricaine et de reconstruire un pays qui nexiste plus », a expliqué Laurent Fabius, évoquant « une situation de non Etat, dimplosion, qui risque davoir des conséquences sur les pays voisins ». « Le calendrier est serré. Les bandes armées en profitent pour se livrer à des razzias et des massacres. Des villages sont brûlés, pillés. Les habitants sont tués ou sont en fuite dans la brousse, une prévalence incroyable de la malaria, à la malnutrition et où la santé maternelle est dramatique ». In my words, Africa is a catastrophe and we are going to rebuild a country that does exist anymore. It is a situation of non-State, an implosion. The Timetable is closed. The situation is so bad that it is the White Frenchmans burden to bring the torch of civilization to that shithole. I have not heard one word of protest from the world. We have entered an era of open, barely camouflaged European colonialism. To which somebody named B had the nerve to comment: Unpossible! Teo told me that demography is destiny and that it is completely impossible for a minority of higher-IQ colonizers to rule over a majority of retards. The retards will surely rise up, buoyed by the innate human desire for freedom and national self-determination, and overthrow the paleface colonizers! As soon as they can figure out their magical guardian spirits, of course, and propitiate them with albino infant sacrifices, of course. Right? Riiight. In reality, the only thing that killed colonialism was the State Department/CIA/NYT/Ivy League alliance armed with unlimited fiat petrodollars and the prestige of global hegemony. Since the prestige is running out and the petrodollars are yielding a diminishing marginal rate of returns, the influence of the alliance is waning and the natural situation, where the strong, cohesive and smart rule over the weak, squabbling and stupid is returning. The French and rest of Euros are not to be written off; the faggoty dominant elite and those susceptible to their influence are bottlenecking, and Generation Identitaire owns the future. BTW, did you know that the Euro Right has been sending its emissaries to the settlement movement over the last decade? It is not surprising-we have the only surviving functional colonial model in the world and have the only example of successful mass resistance to the Cathedral over the last 50 years (retreats to enclaves dont count,) so it is wise to learn from us. The prophecy is: Thus says the LORD of hosts, In those days ten men from all the nations will grasp the garment of a Jew, saying, Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 01:00:50 +0000

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