Civil War ghost: Here’s one for the books and it’s a true - TopicsExpress


Civil War ghost: Here’s one for the books and it’s a true story.....from ME! Back in the late 70‘s, still in the Corps but in CW reenacting, one of my reenacting buddies went to Gettysburg, PA for the 4th of July weekend. He said he went to Little Round Top with a lunch from Mc D’s.....sat on a rock at 12 noon and started eating while enjoying the scenery. All of a sudden, he said, he started hearing muskets from a reenactment. he stood on the rock but didn’t see a thing. The sounds grew louder by the second and even heard a buzzing sound near his head ( a bullet does that sometimes). He got dizzy and had to sit down. After a few seconds he felt a hand on his shoulder and the noise stopped. He turned and it was a Park Ranger looking at him asking if he was all right. He said he was, feeling better he stood, turned around but the ranger was no where in sight. WTH he said. I asked him what the Ranger looked like. He said he was rather tall, thin , dark hair with sunk in eyes and the eyes were dark rimmed. OK! I said...nice try dude!! He swears it was the truth. So......about fiver years later I’m stationed in Okinawa, Japan. I’m sitting with the skipper in his office sharing a cup of Joe when we start talking about the CW. Seems he was a CW buff. He said, during his training at the Naval Warfare College they took them on a tour of the Battle Field of Gettysburg on the 4th of July weekend. As he told me the story......believe the was WORD for WORD!! He told me the same exact story my buddy did years before. I asked him if he know a fella by the name of (I won’t say my buddies name here). He said no. So I told him about THAT story from a few years prior. He looked startled and says he will not go back there on the 4th any more.....scared him that much. He did advise me to write the museum there and see what I could find out. (WAY before computers OR cell phones here guys!) I wrote and told them about the two stories. The letter I got back was astounding. They said this happens all the time around there. BUT! the lady there sent me a roster of some unit (I forgot the unit , lost the letter over the years but I do remember it was a NC unit). She had circled a name of the Color Bearer of that unit......MY NAME!! Stephen Easley!! WHOA!!! Now MY hair is standing up. She said he disappeared sometime after the battle. I have always wanted to go there on the 4th, sit down on Little Round Top at 12 noon and see what happens. Could it be history not yet made? Would I vanish and end up a tin type in a museum some where..LOLOLOL Just wondering. But it is strange.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 14:58:54 +0000

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