Clear communication is the essence of understanding. Your - TopicsExpress


Clear communication is the essence of understanding. Your ancestors, whether they lived ten years or twelve thousand years ago, had different modes of communication and yet the results were similar. Whoever had the loudest voice created the belief system. The history of your world is filled with the voice of the victor, the voice of power, although it was not always a voice of sanity by any means. The so-called victors often knew about the secrets hidden in the mysteries of Earth and her people, secrets passed down from antiquity. What kind of secrets could your ancestors have known? We will begin to tell you; however you must stretch your consciousness as well to reach for this understanding. Secrets were stored in the hidden stories of Earth and in your blood. You have incarnated and experienced Earth and her records many times; her Library, her Book, is even imprinted in the atmosphere. The very atmosphere that sustains you is a form of energy and intelligence, used for communication because it can store information. Actually, everything around you is energy holding the story of what you are, and you keep exchanging that energy with your molecules. Every time you exhale you are giving off a part of yourself, and when you inhale you add something more. You live within a visual agreement where, as solid beings, you faithfully replicate the same scenarios again and again. Basically you do not question whether or not there is another way of thinking and being. You are used to a linear, defined, and expected experience; therefore, you create it. Your ancestors thought of time as part of a large cycle called the precession of the equinoxes, caused by the wobble of your planet on its axis, which makes the constellations of the zodiac appear to move across the heavens in a 26,000-year cycle. Who lives long enough to count time in this way? you may ask. Well, that is a good question. You may have to expand your thinking to perceive that at one time human beings lived on Earth much longer than you currently do. Three hundred-year or even, at one time, 10,000-year age spans were not so uncommon. And a long time ago in the Books of Important People, there were those who lived for a few hundred thousand years. How could that be? you ask. Or why would they want to? We will come to that. For now just imagine that it is possible. The cycle of time that is counted again and again in the Book of Earth is this 26,000-year period, which is the amount of time, in your terms, for the twelve constellations of the zodiac to complete one cycle of movement across the heavens. This grand cycle of time creates one Great Year and contains the various ages delineated by the signs of the zodiac. Through the marking of time, you can begin to discern patterns, and patterns indicate order and purpose. In a quiet moment imagine there is a purpose to being. Everything is designed and planned in an impeccable, synchronistic order, and you are involved in it; you are not purposeless little molecules struggling in a meaningless world; you are part of the significant plan, which can be seen from many different angles. The greatest of covert operators may discredit the idea of an immense plan because, no matter how finely they are tuned, they cannot conceive of a greater energy that designs existence. Likewise, many people cannot conceive of this immense order because they lack the intent of love or goodwill at the core of their beings. The universe and all you experience are inherently built on love, a love so grand that it allows evil its own reign, knowing that even within evil there is a purpose. A purpose exists in all things, though there is never just one purpose just as there is never one history, one calendar, or one way of interpreting anything. There are many ways of seeing. We ask you to imagine the Book of Earth and to begin to delineate the ages in your mind. Imagine this 26,000-year cycle divided into twelve sections, each one almost twenty-two hundred years long. The era called the millennium at the year 2000 is based upon an agreement. Many will argue and say the third millennium date is inaccurate and this is true. However the date is based on a long-standing agreement, and agreements create reality. The creation of time is an agreement, and the heavens comply, assisting you to use time to locate yourselves in existence. Now locate yourselves in the moment by noticing your breath, and then imagine you have lived many times, or imagine your ancestors who lived before you. Earth has been populated throughout the various ages, and each age has a theme, a purpose to achieve. The twelve ages have seasons just like your 365-day year, and each age can be divided into four, approximately 500- to 550-year slices of time where lessons are to be learned. If you were to reincarnate quickly, you would have a number of lifetimes in each 500-year period. Currently you are at the end of the Piscean Age, one of twelve slices of time rippling with richness and purpose. You are entering the Age of Aquarius, which heralds an awakening and unifying of humanity. The closing doors of the Piscean Age bring forth themes of compassion and enlightenment through complete connection with the universal mind. Interesting situations occur during these times, conveying the lessons of your ancestors: Their challenges, victories, and daily living experiences all resonate through time into you. As you expand your view of time, remember that knowledge is passed through the bloodline, whether a “blue” blood or a “red” blood. The biology of your being is rich, yet as with using a computer, you must know how to access what is there. Genetically, so much is within you that beings in the heavens have managed you for eons so that you would not be connected to all that you are. They reap their harvest from your ignorance, through your willingness to give up the power of thinking, to eagerly obey, to be on time, to die, and basically to accept being told what to do. The story we unfold makes sense when you understand why you have come here, how long the lessons have been accruing, and where you are in this season of growth. Movement through the ages shifts the lessons of the current civilization, bringing about the opportunities necessary for gathering experiences essential to their purpose. Each age has its high and low points. There is really no point in condemning one civilization and acknowledging another, because each existed for a distinct purpose. Certainly reaching the end of one age and the beginning of another is momentous; therefore it is essential for you to understand what you face. Imagine that you can hear the tales of your ancestors as if they were alive and gathered around a fire, speaking to you of their journeys and adventures. If you remember this feeling in the quiet moments of daily living and feel these people rich and alive, you will know you are tapping into your own Book of Earth. ✫✯✰☼ Excerpt From The Book FAMILY OF LIGHT: PLEIADIAN TALES AND LESSONS IN LIVING (pp. 43-46) By Barbara Marciniak, (1998-10-01). Inner Traditions Bear & Company. Kindle Edition. ☾✰✯✫ My Heartfelt THANK YOU & Deepest GRATITUDE !! ❤❤❤❤
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 17:53:55 +0000

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