Click and read - Learn about Gods last message to Planet Earth - TopicsExpress


Click and read - Learn about Gods last message to Planet Earth (Revelation 14:6-12 & Daniel 7-9). Learn what really began in 1844 and is still going on today! Here is a passage from “1844 MADE SIMPLE” by Clifford Goldstein – read for free on the web or purchase it from the Adventist Book Center. He writes, “Before, when I had read Daniel 8, I couldnt imagine how anyone could see the judgment; but now, after my study, when I looked at Daniel 8, I couldnt imagine how anyone could not see the judgment! I had suddenly been born again—again - the doubt, the uncertainty, the heaviness lifted. I felt as if I had been cured from a disease. I was more convicted of Adventism than I had been when I first came to the Adventist community, and only now did I realize just how weak my grounding had been. Instantly, all the doubt about Ellen White vanished. I thought, Surely, that old woman knew exactly what she was talking about! Since that time, I have never questioned Ellen White as a prophet; instead, my confidence in the 1844 truth has allowed me to see her as one of the greatest prophets of them all! My understanding of 1844 gave me a new experience with Jesus, with Adventism, and with the spirit of prophecy. Once I saw just how biblical 1844 was, I knew that this church was everything it claimed to be, and all the doubts about the law, the Sabbath, everything—were obliterated. Despite apostasies, despite our Laodicean malaise, despite scandals, despite anything and everything that happens within the church itself, the 1844 teaching proves beyond question that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant church of Bible prophecy and our message is present truth. The 1844 judgment—more than the state of the dead, the Sabbath, the second coming—establishes the validity of Adventism. All those other doctrines are accepted by some other people, but Adventists are the only people who have the 1844 investigative judgment truth. Until you see the truth of 1844, realizing that Adventists are the only ones who teach it, you will never fully understand our calling, our purpose, or our mission. I had been forced to learn the message—or leave it. For me, there was no middle ground. And how thankful I am that the same God who took me from not even believing in God, to believing in God; who took me from all the world religions, to Christianity; and from all the denominations within Christianity, to Adventism—how thankful I am that He saved me from that apostasy. Yet, I soon noticed that almost every Adventist I met—young or old, converts or lifers, male or female, white or black, in the East or the West, liberal or conservative—almost none could get 1844 out of the Bible. And most didnt care, either! They didnt think it was important. I have stood in front of churches of 300 people and asked, How many of you here could give a Bible study to someone on 1844 and the investigative judgment without using Ellen White? Time and again, maybe two or three hands would go up. The mass of American Adventism couldnt give an intelligent study on that doctrine if their eternal destiny depended upon it. Chances are that you reading this book couldnt give a study on 1844, or give clear answers to the arguments brought against it. You probably havent heard a sermon on it or read about it in years. You can be converted. You can be a loyal tithe-paying, Vegelink-eating Adventist. You can give Bible studies, win souls, be a loving and lovable Christian. But if you are not grounded in the 1844 doctrine—if you dont have at least a rudimentary understanding of that teaching—then you are ill prepared for the time of trouble and the shaking. Had I, with my superficial understanding of 1844, faced the time of trouble, I would have been swept away like a leaf in a tornado. Im not talking salvation by theology. The date 1844, or an understanding of it, does not save us. But if 1844 is not biblical, our message is false—we are a false church teaching a false message and leading people down a false path. Either 1844 is true and we have truth, or its false and we have inherited and peddled lies. The 1844 investigative judgment, the theological pillar of our movement, sits as a dusty relic in the Adventist family closet. We know its there, we all know about it, but nobody bothers with it. Were not sure what to do with 1844. Were not sure what it means or if we really want it. And were not even sure if its all that important (as the paucity of sermons, articles, and books about it reveals). Yet once it goes, Adventism goes too. How clever of the devil to have us set aside our most basic doctrine. He knows that once he kicks it out from under us, we crumble and crash. Hes just waiting for the right moment to take out as many Adventists as he can. Now Go to my website and read The Great Controversy (in 37 Languages) – Especially chapters 20-25. Now read Prophecy Made Easy at prophecymadeeasy See you in heaven as everlasting friends!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 05:39:55 +0000

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