Cliv New Russia is no longer possible (google - TopicsExpress


Cliv New Russia is no longer possible (google translation) Russians sympathize social project peoples republics of Donbass According to a recent poll by the Levada Center, a majority of Russians (65%) are closely watching what is happening in Ukraine. And 59% of respondents believe that our government should actively support the South-East, and 64% approve aid the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Lugansk by Russian volunteers. Thus, the results clearly indicate a majority of Russians support the resistance movement. On the other hand, the survey data suggest, and that the peoples mood is almost completely coincide with the coverage of the events in the Ukraine by the Russian official media. 91% of respondents admitted that basic information about the situation in the neighboring country will learn from television, and 79% believe prepodnosimyh objective picture. And here the question arises, how to change the mood of Russians, if our media coverage angle change? A trend that is emerging. If a few weeks ago our television reported mainly about successes in battles with the militia law enforcers Kiev, now the emphasis is on sympathy for victims and refugees punitive action. Earlier in the tone of speakers talking about the non-recognition by Moscow of the new government in Ukraine, felt a strong spirit, yet now we sound soothing notes about peace plans Poroshenko . Like, the main thing is to stop the violence. At the same time out of the equation is the fact that the ideas of New Russia, who are fighting for the militia Donbass initially anticipated the development of broad resistance Kiev throughout the Southeast. The New Russia includes not only the creation of a territorial unit where the Russian language will get the status of the state, and the formation of the state with a more equitable social order. Earth and its resources, as well as major industrial and financial assets created by the labor of the people, will be the property of the people of New Russia, and can not be privately owned ... Money is not a commodity, but only its exchange equivalent. Lending rate - is a method of enslaving enterprise and unfair means for the redistribution of resources in favor of the lender (bank) - defines the contours of the social structure Novorossia one of the leaders of the Resistance Paul Gubarev . Leadership of the Peoples Republic of Donetsk has decided to appoint a supplement to pensions, stipends and salaries of state employees. At the time, both in Ukraine from July 1, is expected to increase the cost of utilities by 70% -100% in the DNR decided to freeze them at the 2013 level. It is clear that these ideas are unlikely to be like Russian oligarchs. Therefore, we can assume that our billionaires will make every effort to keep to implement the project New Russia in this form. Say, lets negotiate peace. In the current environment this position will only mean the loss of time and opportunity for militias Ukrainian siloviki group strength. But will a change in the information policy of the Russian media weaken support among the Russian militia Donbass? Head of the department of social and cultural studies Levada Center Alexei Levinson believes that through the media can seriously change the attitude of Russians to the problem of the South-East: - In my opinion, now existing public sentiment not only inspired by the TV. By themselves, they are twofold. Says a lot about what views will change. It will affect not only new TV line, but change of vector Moscows foreign policy. Public opinion as integrity is now in one state, then move to another. SP: - That is, the line on supporting militias Donbass change? - It will change to support peace initiatives. If in this spirit that favors the Kremlin and it will be supported by the international community, the society will first approve a course on peace. Attitude toward themselves militias will not change quickly. They just move outside of the public eye. Citizens support those ideas, which are generally in a positive light expose Russia. If you would like to think that Russia - the peacemaker, people will support this view. SP: - It is said that if Russia does not support the militias, the government will lose credibility, obtained after the annexation of the Crimea. - Public sentiments can be deployed quite soft. Needless to say, that the fight militia does not make sense, you can simply say that our country has always stood for peace. Like, we want only good for the Ukrainian people. You can find a nice formula for public hearing. Pretty sharp reversal could cost the Russian government support. Indeed, until recently the state propaganda was built in the key need for resolute action. But in the near future people will assume the presidents actions. SP: - What are the attractiveness of the idea of New Russia, more precisely, social principles of the republic? - For all of Russian society has a rather symbolic. While not thinking about the price of these projects. When they start to think, that any and negative mood. Increment of land Russians welcome, provided that the price will not be too high. Therefore, the authorities can play in the neutral side out of the situation, when the former requirements gently replaced with tradeoffs. Actually, this is already happening. This will cause an outcry from those who adhere to consistent ideological positions. But the mass consciousness does not require the power of ideological coherence. Director of the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements Kagarlitskiy Boris believes that the appeal of social project Novorossia important information policy states: - If the information paradigm change our television, the Russians will still maintain a popular movement in the South-East of Ukraine. The current Kremlin propaganda success stems from the fact that the ongoing power line coincided with the public mood. And so they reinforced each other. But now if the Kremlin will try to drastically change course, it will become a victim of the same propaganda. That is why, in my opinion, can not be solved at the mercy of a quick change of paradigm. They simply do not have the possibility to merge Novorossia without causing appreciable harm himself. Even with the extreme desire of the Russian elites to negotiate with the West by renting Resistance Southeast. Do this would be technically very difficult, and, perhaps, does not succeed. SP: - How to Russian citizens important social aspect of the project New Russia? - I think that is very significant. Ideas Novorossia reflect the current needs of society and in Russia, which is not satisfied. Therefore Novorossia becomes a kind of Russian citizens lighthouse landmark. Recent events in the South-East of Ukraine has become a factor of awakening and rise of Russian society. And we shall see. Our domestic politics will be affected seriously. SP: - But it is unlikely such an awakening into the hands of Russian oligarchs. - Thats right. But the process has begun, it will be very difficult to stop. Most interesting is that if the elite will not help New Russia, this project will become for them more unpleasant. But if they come to help, the project will support the social structure that is different from what it would like to see elite. I think the oligarchs try to take everything under control and warp project. But the point is that the proposed Novorussia alternative social structure stretches our people internally. - Of course, the Russian people exposed to manipulative influence. But in the case of support for militias Donbass manipulation only affects the part of the citizens, which has no definite views, ideological values and position in life, - says Alexander Buzgalin MSU professor . - In connection with the Ukrainian events, in my opinion, there have been major advances in understanding the citizens of the Russian Federation of his human existence. Im not afraid of big words. People really started to think about the great values, the role of the state in their lives, the countrys national culture. Began to think about human dignity, the ability to sacrifice their well-being, and maybe even their lives in order to achieve big goals, exceeding the value of the family or personal enrichment. Came to the fore issues of war, peace, defense of the Fatherland. I noticed that this years celebration of May 9 in Russia took place in a new atmosphere. People were more serious, focused. It seemed to me they themselves tried on what happened from 1941 to 1945 in the space between our countries. In this sense, manipulative influence can change the opinion of a considerable mass of Russians on the events in Ukraine. But many of our fellow citizens have redefined reality. However, there is another side to the coin. In the wake of positive patriotic values originated foam jingoism. And this dinning foam also influenced the public mood. I think fundamentally important to tell people about international alternative Novorossia. I think properly maintain Donetsk, Lugansk and all South-East from the standpoint of internationalism, and not within the good Russians - poor Ukrainians. Russian and Ukrainians are very different, but the question is, how cruel acts Kiev government against residents of South-East and other regions of Ukraine. SP: - What would be harder for the Russians: state propaganda on sympathy for the victims or the attractiveness of social project? - Im not entirely sure Novorossia offers a holistic project. Although I would really like it to be that way. But people who are trying to formulate a project for the New Russia, the Donbas is. And, of course, the fact that Russian propaganda hushed presence of alternatives Novorossia socio-economic development. Desire to build a socially-oriented economy, more democratic society do not fall within the frame of our television. But if Novorossia in practice be able to show another example of the social order, it will greatly affect the Russian society. Especially, if this practice publicly support the Russian opposition. Then the influence of the media will not be as significant. Coordinator of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Ukraine Vladimir Rogov draws attention to the fact that the Russians their help fighting militias Donbass not limited to the words of moral support: - In Novorossia first opportunity to create a welfare state. Not in words but in deeds. Without the oligarchs and the outrage that is happening in the 1990s in Russia and continues to happen in Ukraine. It is the state which is not a member of the WTO on onerous terms, and go to evrookkupatsiyu. As regards support for the Russians, it is vital. From ordinary people is a tremendous help. This acceptance of refugees and sending remedies, food and medicine. We see how our people are linked by kinship. Such assistance to each other among the people was, perhaps, only in the Great Patriotic War or during the earthquake in Armenia. Most of this union we have, unfortunately, was not. Tragedy Ukraine woke best human feelings, which recently started to forget in pursuit of personal well-being. Russians massively came to the rescue of their brethren in the New Russia. SP: - How will the position of the militia reorientation Russian media support to promote Novorossia exclusively peaceful initiatives? - I would not overestimate the influence of the media. Maximum, Russian media policy will delay implementation of the New Russia. Because it took place in the hearts and souls of people. Now it is small - that it be adopted de jure and de facto, it already exists. Propaganda can delay the process for several months or a year, but does not fundamentally affect. New Russia - is a fait accompli, and the historical process can not be stopped. This, incidentally, understands and oligarch Kolomoysky . SP: - Surely Kolomoysky Novorossia stands for? - He, too, for the New Russia, but living by his rules. Now under his control already Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson region, partly - Nikolaev, Odessa. According Kolomojsky only thing to do: to take control of the Kharkov region and suppress the popular uprising in the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republic. He wants to have the same territorial entity, but under his personal control. SP: - What is the reason that people in the DNI and LC will not stop, and want to implement the project a great New Russia? - People just rightly considered the land of his. They consider it their duty to liberate Nazi-occupied Ukraine. We understand that most in Kiev and Lviv even feel sympathy for the nationalists, but are afraid to speak for fear of reprisals and massacres. People want to implement the project New Russia in eight areas for example the Donetsk and Lugansk peoples republics, and then offer the rest of the Ukraine or section, or exemption from nationalists. Thirst for justice for the Russian people had for centuries. Money for us can be a major value for only a short time.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 17:01:09 +0000

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