Cliven Bundy refused to pay extortion fees to the federal - TopicsExpress


Cliven Bundy refused to pay extortion fees to the federal government as the BLM has only the authority and jurisdiction to manage the lands OWNED by the USA,for the benefit and welfare of The People meaning that they can stop people from cutting trees, littering refuse, digging holes, dumping chemicals, and the like, as a good steward. Cliven doesnt have a contract w the feds or the BLM to pay it or them grazing fees, and he rightfully refused to sign one. The BLM, EPA, and the federal government have overstepped their bounds and authority. The County of Clark has the jurisdiction along with the state of Nevada. Cliven is perfectly willing to pay reasonable grazing fees to the county, but this isnt about that. Its about Harry Reid and son making slimy deals w The Chinese and others to sell the valuable minerals, fuels, and water rights owned and controlled by the Bundy family in the 150 acres they own free and clear, the riparian water rights they own on and in connection with their ranch, and the grazing easement rights they own by adverse possession and use in connection with the lands surrounding their ranch which they acquired in the late 1800s. Reid has brokered those rights and interests to foreign corporations through his son and got caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Reid should be arrested, indicted, prosecuted and tried for treason and fraud for his underhanded, deceitful, greedy, and treacherous acts against this lovely family and the people of NV and the USA. His bosom buddy (former long term employee) manages the BLM, how terribly convenient! There is no endangerment issue with the tortoise. That was fabricated, also, by the EPA and the alleged environmental group that is composed mostly of attorneys. Go figure. Its time to end the tyranny, fraud, greed, and cronyism of Reid and the others who are in it with him, namely Gore, Clinton, Pelosi, BO, Biden, and other elites who are trying to throw good people off their lands for outright corrupt reasons using the crooked courts who throw the Constitution into the toilet after they have burned it up as their vehicle. Wake up, People, and quit listening to the White House stenographers Association and propaganda machine. We have a Republic to save from this evil and corruption and we could use your help!!!! Lets roll, People!!! God bless you & God bless the America that we love!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 15:19:12 +0000

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