Close Encounters of a Grateful Kind. (Written by Y.J. Jimenez - TopicsExpress


Close Encounters of a Grateful Kind. (Written by Y.J. Jimenez about 10 years ago) Lessons from a Weary Holiday Traveler. It was born out of one those blue Christmas holiday airport scenes. I struggled to board a flight bound for home from Sacramento to Austin. The overbooked flights, the enormous loads, the heightened security all gave way to increased anxiety. The possible odds of boarding a plane and being in the warmth of family seemed as distant as taking a flight on the next space shuttle. I finally boarded a plane after being bumped because of my stand-by status. An hour later, I found myself lost in the mire of the holiday rat-race at Ontario Airport. I searched for a place to consume the next few hours for the next flight to Las Vegas. On the flight a lady was apparently attempting to drown her personally depressed situation during the holiday season. A failed marriage, a lonely Christmas without her child, struggling efforts to advance her education and the stress of her transition all lent a hand to push her to her limits. Possessing a strong will and an independent spirit, she attempted to disguise her fears and anxiety with, but I am strong and I will let Go and Let God ... . Before our landing I was granted the opportunity to pray for her. Through the dim cabin lights I could see her tears and her struggle to hold them back. I gave her encouragement with the words, It’s alright to cry. She replied, Yes, Its alright to cry. We un-boarded at Vegas and the last time I saw her she was saying, Thank you for comforting and encouraging me, as she raced toward the shuttle for the baggage claim. I had missed my flight to Austin because of our late arrival and the next flight for Austin would leave at 8: 15am the next morning. I found myself making my own living quarters during the night at gate C 16 waiting area. I quickly discovered the loneliness that thousands upon thousands experience each holiday season in their homes or in their travels. People were boarding, families were together and the joys of getting closer to their destination was expressive. The news from the television monitor was giving way to some of the most depressing news; the war in Iraq, the devastating tragic earthquake in Iran, fatal mudslides and the threatening mad cow disease. The gloomy world picture added to my holiday depression. My family was enjoying the time in Texas, waiting for my arrival and here I was stuck hundreds of miles away from our family Christmas. My posterior could only handle so much as I struggled to find a comfortable position to find for my overnight stay. The slot machines were reverberating Wheel of Fortune!! Ding, Ding, Ding every 29 seconds, the television loudly recycled the world news every thirty minutes. I creatively made my makeshift room for the night and made my bed behind the Agents Desk! My brown leather jacket made a quick blanket and the laptop backpack an unmerciful hard pillow. I attempted to drown the noise of the television and sound of the slots with my headset but to no avail. I tossed most of the night and raised to take a midnight sponge bath in the mens room. When I returned I had a companion to join me in my quarters; a small Japanese man had found himself in the same predicament and we made up the population of the entire airport! About three oclock I changed my living quarters and moved to a quieter Place. It was there that the tiredness and the blues caught up with me. The sounds of Christmas carols, 0 come all ye faithful softly walked through the large lonely resting walkways. It was as if the padded concrete walks were resting for the anticipating overload. The familiar Christmas hymns continued to quietly blanket the atmosphere, Silent night, Greensleeves and “I m dreaming of a White Christmas. The moment quickly made me want to find a private jet to Texas. These lonely depressing thoughts were broken up by the oncoming onslaught of the human cattle drives. The sound of the slots, the bells as the hurried traffic began to change the quiet overnight haven. I collected myself and breathed to concentrate through the endless waves of human traffic. .I realized what I had experienced the night before on the entire trip beginning with the restless traveler and through my sleepless ordeal. The thoughts ran racing through my mind that this was something that perhaps millions of people face each year during the holiday season. I then stopped to ponder upon all the people that I have ministered to, during the past twenty three years. This is the time of year that I am reminded of the lonely widow who will spend another year without her loving spouse. The parents who have lost a child, the couples who are separated by divorce, the bewildered child who has to spend their Christmass apart from either parent .. I think of the distressed parents whose young son or daughter is serving their country on foreign soil. And last but not least, the countless homeless people who made a makeshift bed in some cold corner of the icy air. Then my mind quickly turned a short prayer to the Lord. Its a new morning, and this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Help me Lord to catch a flight, help me get some rest and by the way, Lord, most of all, thank you for sending Christ and that I can celebrate a God that loves me and died on the cross and raised from the dead to forgive me of my sins and give me a fresh start on this journey in life. And Dear Lord for reminding me to be grateful for the blessing of a wife and family that love me, a roof over my head, and most of all that I have a God who really loves me and teaches me gratefulness in the midst of close encounters. “And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, an angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were very much afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:7-11
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 22:39:15 +0000

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