Coaches, bloggers, consultants, and anyone doing business online - TopicsExpress


Coaches, bloggers, consultants, and anyone doing business online or who has a website (so everyone!!). I dont like to say you NEED to do something but Im putting my foot down on this one (Also I dont like to say things like that whole sentence. It sounds arrogant to me. Please continue...) You need need neeeed to create a point of personal connection with people. No brainer right? For some, yes. For some, no. How you do it though is very important. This topic is especially important if a website or blog is your predominant means of communication to your audience. Forget that youre selling to someone, because youre not. Youre trying to connect and help. And one big bang way of connecting is being relatable, human and informal. People want to know who theyre buying from or working with. They want to see your personality and feel like youre unique and not just some robot sales pitcher. In my blogs, I swear quite a bit and add all sorts of weird quirks to my writing. Thats because its my inner and outer voices. When you express your personality, you risk turning off people. Im sure I turn off people. But you also are rewarded with turning on people. And I know I turn a lot of people on with my writing. Am I righttttt? Theyve told me haha. NOT showing your personality and being relatable and human = indifference in the viewer, no action! Either way, Id prefer someone to know they definitely are suited to working with me or are definitely not suited to working with me. Because when someone works with me, I want them to know for sure as much as they can before seeing me, that its what they want. If they dont want it and come in half assd, then there is the chance theyll not achieve much from seeing me as a coach. Apply that example to your own service or product. And when people dont get the results, although its not 100% on me, theyre not likely to recommend people to you. Imagine them talking to their friend over lunch, How did that coaching go?, It was okay, I didnt get much out of it. And how likely do you think it is theyll add, ... Because I didnt know what I wanted and didnt put in the work. They might, they might not. So if youre on the World Wide Web, Id highly recommend you to look at your relatability. Do you use big fancy, airy fairy, dont-actually-know-what-you-mean-by-that words? Do you project arrogance by talking lots about you as a coach and not for the people you want to help? If youre unsure, ask some people you know wholl be honest. Id be more than willing to visit your site and give you an honest judgement. And of course, Id love to work with you if youre interested. If you are, message me or email kristian@innerpeacecoachingaustralia Question: what are some ways to relate to people and show your humanness? Ze comment box is waiting for you ;-)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 23:26:03 +0000

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