Coffee enemas are a great alternative cleansing tool that is used - TopicsExpress


Coffee enemas are a great alternative cleansing tool that is used prominently in Gerson therapy treatment for cancer and other diseases. I have personally used them myself many times for clearing out the liver. But if one is doing them without first doing a comprehensive colon cleanse its like trying to get water to drain through a very clogged up drain. It backs up and causes havoc because all that debris is now just floating around and making more of a mess. And trying to do a colon cleanse without addresing the emotional baggage you are carrying is the same. It starts there. The colon/stomach is the seat of our emotions and is a focal point to any comprehensive healing. People who are in a challenge with cancer end up dying of liver failure essentially as the toxins have no where else to go. The colon has formed a layer of mucoid plaque that prevents the liver from doing its job. If you have one bowel movement a day or less than that, you have a thick layer of mucoid plaque in your colon, no doubt about that. If you have very loose stools, same thing, you arent holding food long enough in your body to assimilate and it comes out watery because of how stopped up the walls of the colon are. People who are thin, overweight and in between ALL have this plaque issue. I have had people in challenge tell me they eat vegan, exercise, etc etc. and dont understand how they could have heart problems, or liver issues. This is why. Their emotional body is on lockdown, and it has backed up their colon wall and the liver cant dump toxins anymore as there is no where for it to go except back into the blood. What holds that mucoid plaque together is the emotions we have stuffed down. So the first part of breaking all that up is to begin to process and work through the emotional body. A good comprehensive herbal cleanse on the colon is next to get things moving. And THEN adding the coffee enemas at that point once the drain has been opened up. People go after multitudes of supplements and various diets to the exception of working on their own shit so to speak. Dealing with hurts and fears as they come up is paramount but what about all the past stuff. Once you begin to address the hurts that come up daily in a self love way, things loosen. Self love means forgiving your self first. You will never forgive all the hurts in your life until you start to forgive yourself first and if you are sick, you are not in a process of self love. I can say that because I have lived it and have seen it in patients over and over and over. So Im totally a fan of doing coffee enemas. Ive seen how amazing they work when the colon and emotional body are being addressed at the same time. And Ive also seen the opposite. Doing them in isolation of what is happening in the colon emotionally and consequently physically will not produce the results we are looking for. Post: I know many will ask what is the best colon cleansing process. The company I LOVE for this and have used for over 20 years is closed temporarily and wont be online for a year I believe, but I am close to working with another company that I will post the details here as soon as I have that info, so follow the post and Ill add that info here very soon. Of course you can find something in your local health food store as well, but you want herbs that are going to pull that plaque off the walls of your colon. And you definitely want to be doing the emotional work as well. Perhaps we can do a group cleanse in January for those wanting to work on the emotional baggae and do a cleanse at the same time. More to come!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 14:59:02 +0000

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