Coherent, do not escape them with a real peace, and this is in - TopicsExpress


Coherent, do not escape them with a real peace, and this is in line with the news Quranic sincere about them: {whenever lit a fire for war, Allah extinguished and spread mischief on earth and God does not like spoilers War or threat of war is the only thing that keeps on Israeli society Mtlahma in the face of a common enemy. In the days of communism, the Zionists aspire to the role of the Communist resistance crawling on the Middle East; behalf of the Americans, and a more general words: defender of Western interests. For this some thought - (d. Abdul Wahab Meseiri for example) - that with the fall of communism and the emergence of the tide of globalization may shrink Israels strategic importance for the West. But it seems that it will not be necessarily so; especially after the growing sense of the American threat of Islamic, have been able to Israel to make itself a key tool to counter new threats, most notably the Islamic threat, which coincided interests with some of its neighbors in the pantheon of terrorism; without distinction between the currents of violence Ltd. influence, and the wide spectrum of moderate and expressive of the will of a powerful popular, Vhdzt new seats for itself in a very important regionally and globally. In this Israeli war seem part of the American war on terror renewable - as described - and the goal of the resistance sincere; whether Muslim or national .. The peace a big lie, and they are talking about when they go out their tongues cynical, and do not accept non-customers who carry out their will. While they were in the past, observe what considerations do not declare, it has become now they say without fear; because they found that some of the platforms before them to the permit without equivocation, no longer have something to hide, and mum are afraid? And everything in their hands: {and thought they Manathm redoubt of God} (2) Al-Hashr, but God gave them {where you did not calculate your hearts and tossed in horror And those who put their hands in the hands of the Zionists regret: {deeds of God that comes by conquest or ordered from him on what Faisbhawwa captured in themselves ruing And those who prevail accounts Bngredat Semshunha loyalty to the Zionists, but it is impossible to be erased from the memory of generations! O Jews Do not take you vanity The clock stopped .. must spin The rape of the land does not scare us Varis may fall from the eagles wings Thirst is not intimidated by the long The water always stays in the soles of the rocks Of each door of the mosque .. behind every platform is broken The dead will rise to you .. holders coffins Oikzthm may puff in pictures Did not fight a war by such an alliance, which poring over it .. they are afraid that the war goes on peoples moved and self-contained, but while you are assured that things are under control, they went taking in their power rail, and in their determination not to return to their barracks until the break resistance, Fajab God quest .. {Lord God who disbelieve Abgyzam did not get good enough believers fighting God and Allah is Strong, Mighty And ask him - the Almighty - to bless the slaves achieve Bagaha: {who Azahrohm of the People of the Book of Siasihm and tossed in their hearts horror Then Abrtan of this campaign and its results: (First Algerians have defeated France, Afghans defeated the Soviets, and defeated the Vietnamese American, it is necessary to bear in mind the imbalance in the balance of power, but in order to complete the picture .. We must remember that the people of Palestine have a lot: (1) willingness to sacrifice and die for God, and a certificate from the Koran and the enemy {Tgantm keen on the lives of people As long as the lovers of the certificate in every fever that Shad tyrants void And leave our dead in the throat lump-lived Second, they want to in order to fight Nohda as Ohdoa and starchy as Roasted Vmkhozonna of this massive fire (2) belief in the justice of their cause, were driven from their homes and their money unjustly, and Horbua in their livelihood and their parents and their children. (3) and have withdrawn the hand of any relationship with Israel, and there are countries in Europe and South America and Africa are talking about cutting ties with Israel .. while Arab countries still maintain this relationship! (4) They base their backs to a broad base of people of Arabs and Muslims can not continue their silence on what is happening. Money is an effective weapon in this battle, and Israel reap billions of dollars annually from Jewish sympathizers in the world, as well as government support the U.S. .. and compensation, among others. So why wealthy Muslims remain reluctant? God and make jihad with money assigned to physical jihad, but in advance it: {and strive with your wealth and yourselves for the sake of Allah} (41) Repentance. Yes; Almtlssh We are aware of the eye donation, and rushed to the charges of supporting terrorism .. That is to say each is afraid: Vlidam philanthropy, and rushes to the reconstruction of Gaza Vord need new infrastructure, schools and hospitals, and airports, and port .. All this will not restore the lives that were lost, and will not be published wiped out entire families, will not take away the horror of the childrens eyes, but it contributes to alleviating the suffering of the children who are forced from the people and most of them ..! Ali suggested that the young man do and I do, so I said: {if you force me or accommodated to the very corner He said young people recommended to go! I said: I do not see going for young people or anyone else, let the confrontation to the owners of the case, they are more knowledgeable than their circumstances and realities, and further from the Diaspora, is enough to send all excited for your support as much as Dath may be that his ransom from the fire, but to accept Gods righteous! (5) the expression of rejection and protest by all legitimate means; word, keynote, lesson, story, poem, the program .. There are those who can afford to stay evenings and festivals of solidarity, and from there they can Aouseloa voice to the world through the media or satellite TV or social networks and decorations (Alhastaqat). (6) Weapon unity and overcome our differences and Onanaatna, we have to agree on the origins of the law, and Maaked Ajmalla, and assets of worldly interests; realized reconcile and compatibility, and not qualifying, tearing the social tissue in people, and launching raids mutual! (7) sincere supplication which knocks the doors of the heavens is not no punk Ihdzh injustice; subsided in Bewitchments, and Khcat prostrate, and the moments of tenderness, and hours of response, in piety individually or collectively, in the NFL or impose. (8) and a half billion of sympathizers who need to sharpen Elan and strengthen the resolve, and the creation of the track, and to facilitate the reasons, even if that involved live with passion, and awareness of the rational, floor support, and prepare for the future, Valemczuar long. (II): The battle with Zionism and its allies extended time and place and a field, extended to the promise of the other: (O Muslim, O slave of God .. .. It is a field in an extended overlapping themes of politics to the economy to the media to tourism to security .. The Gulf region - Bnaftha, and riches, and wealth, and its strategic location - the foundation stone of the equation presented Israeli and American, and Jewish dream combination of Gulf capital and the mind of the Israeli labor Egyptian remains an option promoted him on the pretext that ensure the regions security and stability .. The battle is long and we have to re-arrange our cards, and we are working hard and the same long, and we avoid special battles; battles resume. Every loyal to their nation and their future must participate in the conscious thinking by which we formulate our lives according to variables and risk-based, but not the case for the Islamists nor the Palestinians but for all Arabs and all Muslims except those who refuse!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 00:35:01 +0000

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