Colonel Ghassan Alian returned to his fighters in Gaza. Im - TopicsExpress


Colonel Ghassan Alian returned to his fighters in Gaza. Im going to continue the mission and join the fighters still do the job, said Elian when he returned to the area, We are strong and stable. Updated throughout the day and a half the guys went, hit quite a few terrorists and achieved quite a task. Has us a little bit more and finish the it . Recall, Elian was injured on Sunday in Sajaiyya and was hospitalized in Soroka Hospital in Beer - Sheva. Elian has been announced with the injury that he plans to return soon fighting on the ground, but the doctors at the hospital would not let him. This morning he was released from the hospital and said, Im going back to Gaza Division and fighters to complete the task to the end. Before leaving the hospital visited Elian his soldiers in the hospital and strengthened them. Im the only way. Been in touch with the battalion on the achievements and I return to take control of the division, get fighters and go forward, said Elian, strong wind and strong brigade. I went with wounded fighters bus if I had I loaded them back. We had a tough battle in the morning when I was injured. I got RPG A few feet above my head. Some scratches but okay. Even if I walk, will go back to Gaza. Division currently continues her mission to expose the main tunnels and to destroy as many terrorists. Killed lots of terrorists and thats what it takes. Has encounters which killed 10 and 15 terrorists., I hope that within hours retrieving the points work in Gaza., I want send a big hug to the bereaved families, I could not get to them and I will. they strengthen us.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 21:59:15 +0000

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