Colonial rule isnt the solution to the myriad of problems being - TopicsExpress


Colonial rule isnt the solution to the myriad of problems being faced by the colonies the world over. What colonialism did and neo-colonialism is doing was/is to tie former colonies to the apron strings of these economies, that thrived from the blood and toil slaves. The current generation has seen but never experienced the dehumanising effects of slavery or colonialism. We have been deceived to believe that colonialism brought more good than harm but that is a lie from the abyss of hell. Those in Congo who suffered under the brute leadership and mass racial extermination instituted by King Leopold will weep at such a headline. I dont think a country like South Africa, would ever wish to have a return of apartheid neither would some people who felt compartmentalised and segregated ever wish for a return of colonialism. I would not want to become a 2nd class citizen in the land of my birth just because I want to have the life the colonialist can offer. I totally disagree with anyone who believes that Africa or any extension of European influence around the world would have been well off, if colonialism had not come to an end. That reasoning in itself, spites and insults the very intelligence and selfless efforts of those who toiled blood and sweat, lost limb and life, had failed homes just to make the lives of their people better. Over the years, the likes of Jamaica and countries in Africa have harboured thoughts of a return to colonialism and have flirt with the idea that their fortunes will change, if the White Man was at the helm of affairs. Personally, I dont only find such line of thinking laughable but jaundiced and sickening. Having had the experience of both worlds as a young African, I can confidently say that the problems that have plagued the African is not entirely as a result of the political system (it is partly so) but our real problems stem from the fact that we are not ready to commit ourselves to even just 50% of the selfless commitment which our forebears deployed to see us become a free people. Its sad to say but as a people, we have only sold our conscience to politicians with parochial interests rather than to the national cause and have been hardworking only when it concerned our personal pursuits. Just as we sent the white Man away for giving us little or nothing out of 100 plus years of servitude, so can we also put corrupt and self seeking politicians in their rightful place too. Once we put our attitudes in the right psyche and the political class on their toes, our nations will be put on the right track. Our problems as a people are self made and solutions to such problems can be self made and initiated for our development as a people. The colonial master never had a blue print for developing us. Even in places where they did, it was to create the enabling environment to blatantly exploit and harness what was needed for the industrial revolution, which was taking place in Europe. Go and ask the black South African whose education concluded at the age of 13 because his place as a person was the gold mines. Ask the Northern Ghanaian who was seen as a means of cheap labour rather than a skilled citizen of the colony. We should wise up as a people. Our destiny and development lies with and within us. It is a curse to remain uneducated but when educated people begin to think like fools, they end up like a cursed people. #Musings_of_a_sad_black_youth
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 05:42:57 +0000

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