”Columbus didnt discover America Isabel discovered - TopicsExpress


”Columbus didnt discover America Isabel discovered documents in the archive which convinced her that America was discovered a long time before Columbus by Arab-Andalusian or Moroccan sailors, and possibly Knights Templar, who traded with ports in Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. Plants indigenous to the Americas, such as maize and peppers, were referred to in the archive well before 1492, as were rivers and coasts that could not be identified in Europe or Africa. She even painstakingly calculated that the huge number of horses and cattle already grazing the plains of Argentina when the Spanish established a permanent colony in Buenos Aires could not possibly have all descended from the twenty or thirty beasts left behind by the first group of European settlers forty years earlier. She published her findings in No fuimos nosotros (It wasnt us) in 1992, coinciding with the 500th anniversary of Columbus voyage to the New World, and in África versus América: La Fuerza del Paradigma in 2000. This made her very popular with the Islamic community in Spain, and the books were translated into Arabic by the Junta Islámica de España. Other historians support pre-Columbian contact. Fuat Sezgin, Professor Emeritus of the History of Natural Science at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, argued that Muslim seafarers had reached the Americas by 1420., citing as evidence the inscription on a map and the fact that the high longitudinal precision of early maps of the Americas would not have been attainable using Western navigational technology. Ivan van Sertima, Professor of African Studies at Rutgers University and author of They Came Before Columbus, identified 12th and 13th century Chinese documents which spoke of Arab Muslim trade extending beyond the Atlantic coast of West Africa. New Zealand archaeologist and linguist Barry Fell identified Arabic words, symbols and even rock-carvings in native American communities dating from pre-Columbian times. The date of Columbus voyage – 1492 – was the same year identified in Spanish history as the completion of the Christian “reconquest” when the Moors were finally driven out of their last stronghold at Granada. Did they then, as Isabel suggested, extend the Reconquista to the American continent and extinguish all traces of Islam there too?” Utdrag från: lloyd, Claire. ”The Woman who Rewrote History.” Claire Lloyd.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:13:56 +0000

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