Columnist Charles Krauthammer: Canadas foreign minister calmly but - TopicsExpress


Columnist Charles Krauthammer: Canadas foreign minister calmly but pointedly complained that the U.S. owes Canada a response on the Keystone XL pipeline. We cant continue in this state of limbo, he sort of complained, in what for a placid, imperturbable Canadian passes for an explosion of volcanic rage. ... If Obama wants to cave to his environmental left, go ahead. But why keep Canada in limbo? Its a show of supreme and undeserved disrespect for yet another ally. ... The only rationale for denying the pipeline is political -- to appease Obamas more extreme environmentalists. For a president who claims not to be ideological, the irony is striking: Here is an easily available piece of infrastructure -- privately built, costing government not a penny, creating thousands of jobs and, yes, shovel ready -- and yet the president, whos been incessantly pushing new infrastructure as a fundamental economic necessity, cant say yes.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:14:13 +0000

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