Comment 1: I have just witnessed the Left and the Right closing - TopicsExpress


Comment 1: I have just witnessed the Left and the Right closing and starting to UNIFY because of FERGUSON, MO... I dont know if this is sustainable, but the Left is starting to really talk about INDIVIDUAL Rights and powers... If this keeps up, it is going to get interesting. Comment 2: A couple of years ago I was traveling through Green Bay, WI and it was impossible not to notice the traffic going to the game. I got sort of mad, as much as I love football, because I was thinking how easy it is to get many TENS OF THOUSANDS of people to ASSEMBLE for a GAME; but when you want to see TENS OF THOUSANDS assemble to IMPROVE their own Lives, their own economy, their own small businesses, their own jobs, their own INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, their own States Rights, their own State and Popular sovereignty by SUPPORT and DEFENSE of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, all you hear is crickets. What the HELL is that, PEOPLE? ? ? ? ? ? So Ive been wondering, for these years, what can we do to muster together a Stadium of people in each of our home Countries to RESTORE the RULE of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights, enemies of our wages, of our salaries of our personal property, of our economy, of our small businesses, of our jobs and of our freedom? ? ? I found the answer at my church last Sunday and in the Bible. THE ANSWER IS UNIFY around Jesus Christ. Our two founding documents and the 28 FREEDOM PRINCIPLES housed between them, are BASED on Christian BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW values and Principles. It was from the pulpits of the AMERICAN GREAT AWAKENING from whence FREEDOM and actually THE WAR against our first World superpower empire Government came from. It was the Churches and the Lord our God who UNIFIED the majority of THE PATRIOTS whose blood, sweat and treasure created our Republic of Laws (UPON our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, and their hired alphabet soup agency THUGs), not men. Ephesians 4 New King James Version (NKJV) 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints (saints = All true Christians who accept Christ to be their Lord and Savior) for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Body of Christ = all Christians), 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. I am convinced that THE ONLY WAY to UNITE enough people into ONE BODY of effectiveness is to first UNITE in Christ. From whom all Blessing flow in the first place. More importantly, this will give all people purpose in life, to serve the Lord, which is JOB ONE, with our responsibility to which we are duty bound to guard the Holy Light of Freedom being only temporal and JOB # TWO. I believe that if we seek out Christ FIRST and serve HIM, FIRST, then through Him all things will come. All things come from him throughout the universe. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 23:55:12 +0000

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