Commentary: How God Wants Us to See Ourselves.... Mary said - TopicsExpress


Commentary: How God Wants Us to See Ourselves.... Mary said YES.... She didnt understand why she was chosen... she didnt understand how God had found her worthy..... she didnt understand HOW it would be possible for her to conceive... she wasnt sure what would happen as a result of her yes... but she knew two things.... one.... she loved God and she wanted to be faithful to Him.... and two... She believed and trusted with her whole heart and soul that NOTHING was impossible for God... Why would God choose us?.... simply... because He loves us... and wants us to someday join Him in Heaven... We are part of His plan for humanity... From time to time.... God sends angels to each of us... To ask if WE like Mary would carry Jesus within us in order to give Him life through us... He bids us to do like Mary and say YES to His promise..... We may have a history that unlike Marys is not so pure or perfect.... but through Jesus... we are made clean.... and pure... better than brand new.... spotless... and perfect.... and worthy to carry Him in our hearts.... We understand how this is possible... because God sends His Holy Spirit upon us... and we are filled with His grace.... it is then that Jesus starts living and growing within us... we are changed... we may look the same on the outside... just as Mary did at first... but the change is real.. everything about us is changed... we are no longer living for just ourselves.... we carry a new life within us... we start to nourish ourselves differently... we take better care of ourselves... we give up habits that could prove harmful... always remembering that we have a responsibility to creating the best environment for Jesus to develop in... just as any mother who finds herself with child does.... As Jesus grows within us and our faith becomes stronger and the changes having Him in our lives become more evident.... People are bound to notice the differences.... we have a glow about us... a caring and consideration for others that perhaps we didnt have before... our nurturing instinct kicks in... we prepare to make room for Jesus in our life... we learn all about His needs and what He requires from us... much as a mother to be reads up on all of the aspects of child care.... People we encounter may not always feel the same way about us.... and we may feel uncomfortable when confronted by our friends.... especially if they arent just as thrilled for us as we are.... people may ridicule our choice... and tell us we are a fool... they may even tell us we should get rid of Jesus... but we dont see our situation that way... to us God is not an inconvenience... Jesus growing inside of us.... is not something that will put a damper on our lives but one that will expand and make our lives richer and more fulfilling than ever before... and no matter the problems we encounter... we dont regret saying YES to God and carrying Jesus around in our hearts... and letting every one know how much He has touched our lives for the better.... Eventually just like Mary... Jesus grows so much within us that we can no longer contain Him... He comes forth from us.... and though sometimes it is a long and sometimes painful process... we give birth to Him in our every day lives... we love Him.... we nurture... protect... and care for Him... we tend to His needs... by tending to the needs of those around us... we show Him how much we love Him... by the way He loves others through us.... and we wouldnt do it any other way... We by our YES to God.... through the Holy Spirit become TWO... and through our love for Jesus....TWO become ONE... United forever through Gods grace... because NOTHING is impossible for God.... By our giving life to Jesus through our YES to God... Jesus in turn gives us eternal life through Him...
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 02:31:20 +0000

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