Common Hypothyroidism Causes Poor Eating Habits. As you - TopicsExpress


Common Hypothyroidism Causes Poor Eating Habits. As you probably know, eating foods of poor quality can cause a lot of health problems to develop, including thyroid conditions. And this of course is a common problem, as many people consume a regular diet consisting of refined foods and sugars. Whenever you eat a refined food or sugar, it spikes up the blood sugar levels, which causes insulin to be released. This then causes the blood sugar levels to crash, and the hormone cortisol is then released by the adrenal glands. While eating refined foods and sugars occasionally isnt much of a problem, those who eat them frequently will continuously cause their body to secrete insulin, followed by cortisol, which over a period of months and years will put a lot of stress on the endocrine system. So over time what usually happens is the adrenal glands become weakened, and this in turn will put the body in a state of catabolism. What this means is that the body will begin breaking down. FREE Report Reveals Signs, Symptoms & How To Cure Hypothyroidism tipsforgood/what-is-hypothyroidism/ Since the thyroid gland is responsible for controlling metabolism, when it sees that the body is breaking down, it will try to slow this process down, thus slowing the metabolic rate. In other words, it will slow down the production of thyroid hormone (thus resulting in a hypothyroid condition) in order to slow down the catabolic process. Eating poorly can also affect the thyroid gland in other ways, as there are many nutrients that are important for proper thyroid function. And if someone isnt obtaining these nutrients through their diet or by taking nutritional supplements, their thyroid gland will malfunction. Some examples of important nutrients and minerals for thyroid function include iodine, Vitamin D, selenium, and magnesium. These are just a few examples, as there are many others that are essential for optimal thyroid health. So for someone who has hypothyroidism, it is essential to minimize the amount of refined foods and sugars they eat, and replace them with whole foods. While eating a completely organic diet isnt necessary, there are some foods that really shouldnt be eaten unless if they are organic. For example, if you eat meat then it is best to buy organic meat and poultry in order to avoid any xenoestrogens (described below), antibiotics, and other toxins. Certain fruits and vegetables should also be purchased organic as well in order to avoid any pesticides or herbicides. It of course is also important to drink plenty of purified water, and to avoid drinking sugary soft drinks, and even fruit juices on a regular basis. FREE Report Reveals Signs, Symptoms & How To Cure Hypothyroidism tipsforgood/what-is-hypothyroidism/
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 01:23:38 +0000

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