Comparing Holy Bible with Quran Genesis 18 with Quran - TopicsExpress


Comparing Holy Bible with Quran Genesis 18 with Quran 11:71 -Genesis 18:1 Yahweh appeared unto Abraham with two angels -Quran two angels came to Abraham while Allah was narrating the Story -Genesis 18:10 Yahweh said: Sarah thy wife shall have a son, and Sarah heard it. 12, therefore, Sarah laughed because she was very old -Quran 11:71 And Sarah was standing & she smiled. Then WE(Allah) gave her good tidings of Isaac & after Isaac, Jacob Question: 1.How come she smiled before hearing the good news?. 2.Why is smile recorded in the Quran when the Bible says she laughed because she was old. 2. How come she was told she would give birth to Isaac and after Isaac, she would give birth to Jacob? 3. Was Allah there also?, I thought The Quran said none can see Allah Conclusion, BIG ERROR. Because The Bible tells us Yahweh is Jesus Christ Quran 11:73 they(angels) said are u amazed of the decree of Allah?. *This means Allah was there also contradicting what Allah has said before that he cannot be seen. Genesis 18:22 Abraham stood yet before Yahweh. 23. And Abraham drew near and said..... ( With this, Abraham was pleading(islamic translation to mean arguing) with Yahweh) -Quran 11:74 Abraham began to argue with US(Allah) :D concerning the people of Lot 75 Indeed Abraham was forbearing, grieving & frequently RETURNING to Allah :D Note 1. Abraham was arguing with Allah meaning he stood before him, and was pleading for the people of Lot, and he kept returning to Allah just as the Bible said Abraham kept negotiating with Yahweh for the people of Lot. This whole Chapter, is done by Yahweh. This whole chapter, Jesus Christ claimed everything John 8:56 Your Father Abraham rejoiced to think that he would see my days, he saw it, and he was glad that he saw Where was Jesus quoting from? Genesis 18:1 and Yahweh appeared unto Abraham in the plains of Mamre 2 Abraham lifted up his eyes, and he saw 3men coming, he ran to meet them and BOWED himself to the ground and said 3 My Lord, If now I have found favor in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from I thy servant. Abraham was extremely glad to have met the Lord Yahweh. Jesus claimed it to the Jews that was why the Jews wanted to stone him. Genesis 19:15 And when the Morning Arose, then the angels hastened lot saying: ARISE, TAKE THY WIFE and thy 2daughters which are here lest thou be consumed in the inquity of the city 17. The angels said: Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, lest thou be consumed. 26. But his wife looked backed from behind him and she became a pillar of salt. Quran 11:81 The angels said O lot, indeed we are the messengers of your lord. So set out with your family during a portion of the night and let not any among you look back except your wife :O indeed she will be struck by that which strikes them Question.1 the Bible says by the Morning they left, why does Quran say it was in the portion of the night like they including the angels were hiding from the people when God is with them, how would they see where they were heading to? 2. Are these angels demons?, why should they tell Lots wife to look back so she would die?. Was Allah not to rescue them?, why make Lots life miserable by killing his beloved. 3. Why does the Quran record what God which is Yahweh did, and still say Jesus Christ isnt God? need answers please my brother and sisters :(
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 10:22:12 +0000

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