Compelling review of a book on alternative therapies that are - TopicsExpress


Compelling review of a book on alternative therapies that are untested, unproven, or proven beyond any doubt not to work. There is so much woo and quackery out there hiding behind the fact that Western medicine and Big Pharma are imperfect... The anti-vax fallacies are just the tip of the iceberg. Dr. Oz is in the news recently for peddling fake cures and treatments. Homeopathy is BS, ghost-busting is BS – yet even educated people spend lotsa bucks on this nonsense. The snake oil salesmen we will have with us always, because people will buy false hope. I think its like pareidolia: we need meaning, so we construct it and convince ourselves of it. Or the meaning we see is uncomfortable for us, so we deny it and replace it with something more familiar and controllable. Its how were built, and theres no blame in it, but its a weakness in our constitution that science is designed to compensate for. The blame attaches to Dr. Ox and others who are educated enough in their fields to know better, or those who sell snake oil to make money, even though they know that what they are selling is BS. Please share. Thanks for the link, Rosemary. Also, in case you havent seen this article or book, tagging Hartley and Frank.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:19:13 +0000

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