Competition is a foreign concept to African people. My grandmother - TopicsExpress


Competition is a foreign concept to African people. My grandmother used to harvest and sow beautiful crop in excess when I grew up and lived with her. She shared her extras with our neighbors and all the women who farmed next to and around our patch of subsistence land. They shared their produce too. Because we had been removed and dispossessed so much, my granny found any small and fertile land close to river streams and would work the soil using indigenous and organic methods. So the patch she farmed on was a few kilometers for. The orange grove village we lived at, and where my grandfather worked for some English farmer called Solomon. We are a communal, united race that used to live or cohabit in this world. What my grandmother produced she used to share with all the other grannies and mammals in the village. She made sishweshwe dresses and her friends would also share design ideas and she would share her sowing and cutting skills. Umona ubungekho! Sharing heals the curse of envy and jealousy! Sharing makes everyone reunite! It makes the weak strong and blesses the already strong! Sharing is is a african. Because we are communal people. We do not compete! We share. Her chickens at home hardly got diseased, they gave us fresh and nutritious eggs that tasted like eggs and the meat was so succulent and juicy, on rare occasions she used to sacrifice one for us to sink our teeth into. Otherwise we used to eat pap and Morogo all the time. That was wonderful, loads of fruit and home made peanut butter, Mageu, mealie bread, pumpkin with maize etc etc etc. but the point I was making about competition is that it is UNAFRICAN! They would share their surplus with her too. She would even give away chicks to help them start their own chicken runs. Without an exchange of currency. So we cohabited and produced many things TOGETHER! For EQUAL benefit. Women were trained in midwifery and helping another give birth was not something of a commodity. Women would pass on the skill of helping a pregnant woman to deliver their offspring. So there never competition in AFRICA. Competition is an evil thing that was brought by colonists, pretty much to promote and ram capitalism down our throats! So please take a long hard look at yourself and ask yourself, when I compete what is my objective fur competing? Even in business but especially in your private life.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:41:22 +0000

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