Comprehensive Immigration Reform, & THE PLOT TO FINANCIALLY & - TopicsExpress


Comprehensive Immigration Reform, & THE PLOT TO FINANCIALLY & MORALLY BANKRUPT AMERICA Why must the debate always be a choice between absolutes? Shouldn’t we expect men and women who are so quick to extol their own leadership qualities to be able to craft common sense solutions that do the least damage and allow for the most benefit? We are being told by the Progressives, of both major political parties, that we must confer all rights of citizenship on those who have come to our country illegally or, choose one; you’re a racist, you’re selfish or, you’re uncaring. Let’s take a closer look at where the Progressives have taken us since 1965. Prior to 1965 immigrants to the United States primarily originated from Europe. They were generally more highly educated than today’s immigrant and shared mutual values and roots with our existing populace. In 1965, Progressives marshaled in the “Hart-Celler Act” also referred to as the “Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.” They accomplished this using the drumbeat of racism as their mantra. Hart-Cellar eliminated quotas that limited immigrants by their country of origin and, most significantly, allowed those already here to sponsor family members that were not. By itself, the elimination of quotas probably would not have done much to change immigration patterns in a significant manner. The creation of “anchors” through the sponsorship provision in Hart-Celler coupled with Lyndon Johnson’s “Economic Opportunity Act” of 1964 did, however, serve to do much damage to the fabric of our society. Cheered by Progressives worldwide, the “Economic Opportunity Act” established welfare as a right. The results were predictable. Immigrants, legal and illegal, streamed into the United States. Americans at the lower end of the economic spectrum found it cost effective and less stressful to no longer seek work. Just as predictable was the explosion in the growth of government and spending. The United States had become a magnet for the world’s indigent and under-educated and the damage it has caused to the social fabric of this country is immeasurable. The damage extends to our electoral system where we’re now told that the cause of a minority determines the outcome of our elections. The lesson of the past 50 years is clear; no country that provides extensive and expensive social welfare programs can long survive unfettered and unregulated immigration. How have we come to accept this condition? We have been repeatedly told that we are a nation of immigrants. That, except for the timing of our ancestors, we, too, would be illegal. Of course, we are a nation of immigrants. It is important to note, however, that our original immigrants came to these shores with no expectation for redistribution of the work products of others. They arrived here with only a dream and a willingness to work hard. They believed in themselves and their fierce sense of independence helped form a culture for America’s greatness. America became a place where individual freedom was celebrated and rewarded. And, America ascended to greatness. Today, illegal immigration is yielding a far different result. While it must be acknowledged that America still benefits from the many accomplished immigrants who are here legally, we are well past the time to admit that the same is not true of illegal immigrants. Yes, the majority of these illegal immigrants are fine and decent people seeking a better life for their families and themselves, but we must also admit that they are burdening our social welfare system hastening its descent into bankruptcy. It is morally repugnant to burden our children and those yet unborn with the debts incurred by people who are here illegally. It would seem that if a person is here illegally any accessing of our social network system by that person should be considered illegal, as well. Progressives do not view it this way. Over three out of every ten federal prisoners are illegally in this country. This is so disproportionately high as a percentage of the overall population that it begs further investigation. Illegal aliens are 15 times more likes to commit a federal offense as an ordinary citizen. Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens. That translates to 4500 murders every year. Where is the outrage? There is no Second Amendment protecting illegal aliens. It is simply unfathomable that we allow our children and wives to be made unsafe when there are laws that would be protecting them if they were only being enforced. Frankly, if a country decided to commit suicide it could not have chosen a more painful way. Once again, the progressives in Washington have decided that it’s the politically necessary time to address this issue. Their solution will be denigrating to our deductive powers as they offer up “comprehensive immigration reform” which will amount to nothing more than amnesty and a token suggestion that the borders will be closed and properly guarded. Janet Napolitano and her minions at DHS have labeled only one group as terrorists. They are the remnant of our society who still believe in the Framer’s’ words as written in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and explained in detail in the Federalist Papers. While concerning herself with the potential for domestic terrorism caused by law-abiding, country-loving Americans, Napolitano sees no threat from an open borders policy nor any need to stop it. Of course, the borders will never be closed and we will be revisiting this problem under some future administration after another patchwork quilt of fiscal band aids have been applied to our bankrupt social welfare system. So, where are the voices of thought and reason among our elected officials? If any exist they have remained silent or been muted by groups supporting the interests of immigrants with no legal standing. Understanding that solutions to great problems require incredibly complex solutions (sarcasm,) here’s one man’s suggestion: Close the borders immediately. There should be no further exacerbation of the problem while we institute a truly comprehensive solution. This should be easy to justify politically. After all, those entering the United States without authorization are still referred to as illegal. Give every undocumented person who is in this country 60 days to register as a visitor. This would serve to put these people on an even footing with the United States citizens around them. Those who fail to register will be deported upon discovery. Document stops of anyone suspected of being undocumented should be lawful as we, the people, demand accountability for our social welfare system as well as to have our persons protected. The requirement of documentation of illegal aliens should no longer be in question since DHS now conducts random and unwarranted stops along our highways of Americans. Those who register properly should be allowed to stay and to continue living as they have. They should be allowed to enjoy their families, employment and their homes so long as they pay all taxes applicable to citizens similarly situated. They should not expect to achieve citizenship. They came with no expectation of citizenship and should not be rewarded for breaking federal law. They will, however, be able to live as they were living with no displacement of family or loss of property. If they break any additional federal laws they should be deported. Those illegal aliens who remain in the shadows should be denied access to every aspect of our social welfare system. They came to this country with no legal expectations and have broken new law by failing to register when they should have. The exception to this should be their children who were born here and granted citizenship under existing law. The children of those persons who have properly registered to live here will be afforded no special rights or privileges not due any ordinary citizen. Should they and their parents stay clear of any criminal or federal prosecutions, the children would be eligible for citizenship after 10 years. Quotas for new (and, legal) immigrants should be established so as to attract those most likely to make significant societal contributions. It is important for citizens to respect one another in order to create a national identity that they might rally around. It does society no good for government to order us to tolerate each other and expect that to strengthen us. The “anchor” concept of immigration must be done away with. Whether it be families sponsoring loved ones or babies that are born here. The United States is crumbling under the burden of our entitlement society. The costs to our children are staggering and will require an economic reset that will cause massive disruption. We should, at least, open our eyes to the damage that Progressive immigration policies have caused and take whatever steps may still be available to us to restore some minimal economic future for our children. Recognizing the damage done to our culture and the cost to our society caused by our lax immigration policies is obvious? So is the solution. When the President and Congress find rational problem solving so difficult it gives one pause for questions. Why are they ignoring the obvious? Who benefits from maintaining the status quo? And, who benefits from the solutions that they are proposing?
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 09:45:00 +0000

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