Comrades, you may remember a very active former member of this - TopicsExpress


Comrades, you may remember a very active former member of this group named Andy Kessler,he was the German catholic, this is his latest status,TW:Fascism For years German farmers in the German federation had to endure pillaging and murder at the hands of the French empire up until the Franco-Prussian war, started by the French, unified Germany and they not only got revenge against the French empire but united into their own that over its 47 year existence (1871-1918) would surpass every other country and empire in fields such as science, arts, social programs and Nobel prize winners. Archduke Ferdinand is assassinated and in 1914 the Great War begins, eventually dragging Germany in as one of the combatants. They fought and defeated nearly every country opposed to them, Russia picked up their guns and went home, they didnt want to play war any more and had their own revolution to deal with. France was out almost right away. England was for all purposes the only fighter against Germany, and even so were losing the war and seriously considered surrendering in 1916. Lord Balfour and a group of Zionists who owned vast media in the United States came to England with a deal: Germanys ally against you is the Ottoman Empire, which holds the province of Palestine, if you promise us this mandate then we promise to use our media to get the United States into the war against Germany. So they agreed, and not long after the US joined Germany was defeated and was forced to sign the humiliating and disgusting treaty of Versailles, forcing Germany to pay vast war reparations and blamed them for a war they didnt start. This caused vast poverty and starvation in Germany, millions died and many millions more suffered. Eventually, because of multiple revolutions, counter-revolutions and general instability in the Weimar Republic, the most popular party in Germany became the National Socialist German Workers Party, who promised to both combat the exploitation of the liberal system of democracy, to oppose the unfair terms in the treaty of Versailles and to introduce social programs to build up Germany from the ashes the allied powers had buried her in. The new National Socialist government, through social programs and industrialization, made Germany the best economy and most advanced country over the course of only a few years. Then, when the polish government wouldnt relent their unfair treatment and killing of innocent ethnic Germans in the disputed polish-German border, Adolf Hitler, the head of the German government ordered and invasion of Poland to stop this small-scale genocide of ethnic Germans. Then, England and France declared war on Germany and dragged the world into a Second World War. Germany would lose this one aswell, being vastly outnumbered and especially due to the losses of many in the Russian winter. Ofcourse, Germany was used as the scapegoat and millions of ethnic Germans again were murdered and the country was torn apart. Now, what are we these days? The remnants of a once proud people scrambling to find our place in this world in the system of a liberal democracy? Nihilists with dropping birth rates, climbing poverty and a dying culture? Or will we rise again and will we demand a way of life, our way of life once again in our country? Will we crumble and disappear or stand up and say No more! We refuse to allow ourselves to be oppressed, someone has to have the courage to stand up for our people whose hearts bleed for their dying land How does one go from being a Communist to being a fascist so quickly? Or was he always a fascist?
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 03:13:41 +0000

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